User Facet

The User Facet narrows search results down to those created by a certain User.

Figure 1: Each User with matching content is a facet term.

Figure 1: Each User with matching content is a facet term.

The User Facet contains several configuration options:

Figure 2: The User Facet is configurable.

Figure 2: The User Facet is configurable.

User Parameter Name
Set the URL parameter name for the Facet. The default is user. Searching for lunar resort and clicking on a User Facet produces the URL
  http://localhost:8080/web/guest/search?q=lunar resort&user=38716
Max Terms
Set the maximum number of facet terms to display, regardless of how many matching terms are found for the facet.
Frequency Threshold
Set the minimum frequency required for terms to appear in the result list. For example, if the frequency threshold of a facet is set to 3, a term with two matching results doesn’t appear in the facet.
Display Frequencies
Choose whether or not to display the term frequencies.
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