There are three categories for defining Segment criteria:
- User Properties
- Organization Properties
- Session Properties
There are several types of information that can be collected by the User Segment interface. Some data is entered in text boxes, while others use selectors to select specific criteria or tools like a date picker. In addition, some fields use an operator, which, depending on the specific context lets you select the relationship between the user or agent data and the criteria:
not equals
greater than
greater than or equals
less than
less than or equals
does not contain
Depending on the nature of the criteria, the operator selection may contain different combinations. For example, the Date selection described below contains options for all the above option except contains and does not contain, whereas the Email Address selection has equals, not equals, contains and does not contain.
In between each criteria and each category, you can define an “and” or “or” conjunction. For “and” all criteria must be true in order for the criteria to be satisfied. With “or” it will be true if any of the defined criteria are true. You can also mix operators to create complex cases.
User Properties
The following are the criteria available for defining user properties:
Date Modified: Provides a date picker and an relationship selector to select the date that user information was last changed
Email Address: Provides a text box to enter the email provided in the user’s
First Name: Enter the first name provided in the user’s profile.
Group: Select a site that the user is a member of.
Job Title: Enter the job title provided in the user’s profile.
Last Name: Enter the last name provided in the user’s profile.
Role: Select a role that the user is a member of.
Screen Name: Enter the users’ screen name.
Team: Select a team that the user is a member of.
User Group: Select a user group that the user is a member of.
User: Select a specific user from a list.
Name: The full name of the user.
Organization Properties
Date Modified: Enter the date that the organization information was last modified.
Name: Enter the name of the organization.
Hierarchy Path: Enter the name of an ancestor organization.
Organization: Select a specific organization.
Parent Organization: Select a specific parent organization.
Type: Select the type of organization, if organization types have been defined.
Session Properties
Browser: Enter a property from the browser.
Cookies: Enter the name of a browser cookie.
Device Brand: Enter the brand name of the device being used.
Device Model: Enter the model name of the device being used.
Device Screen Resolution Height: Enter the screen resolution height value.
Device Screen Resolution Width: Enter the screen resolution width value.
Language: Select the current Language.
Last Sign In Date: Select the date of the user’s last sign in.
Local Date: Select the current date where the user is located.
Referrer URL: Enter the URL that the user last visited.
Signed In: Select whether the user is signed in.
URL: Enter the current URL.
User Agent: Enter a User Agent property.