Using a Language Module

A module or traditional Liferay plugin can use a resource bundle from another module and optionally include its own resource bundle. OSGi manifest headers Require-Capability and Provide-Capability make this possible, and it’s especially easy in modules generated from Liferay project templates. Instructions for using a language module are divided into these environments:

If you’re using bnd with Maven or Gradle, you need only specify Liferay’s -liferay-aggregate-resource-bundle: bnd instruction—at build time, Liferay’s bnd plugin converts the instruction to Require-Capability and Provide-Capability parameters automatically. Both approaches are demonstrated here.

Using a Language Module from a Module

Modules generated from Liferay project templates have a Liferay bnd build time instruction called -liferay-aggregate-resource-bundles. It lets you use other resource bundles (including their language keys) along with your own.

Here’s how to use this bnd instruction:

  1. Open your module’s bnd.bnd file.

  2. Add the -liferay-aggregate-resource-bundles: bnd instruction and assign it the bundle symbolic names of modules whose resource bundles you wish to aggregate with the current module’s resource bundle:

    -liferay-aggregate-resource-bundles: \

For example, a module that uses resource bundles from modules and would set this in its bnd.bnd file:

-liferay-aggregate-resource-bundles: \,\

The current module’s resource bundle is prioritized over those of the listed modules.

At build time, Liferay’s bnd plugin converts the bnd instruction to Require-Capability and Provide-Capability parameters automatically. In traditional Liferay plugins, you must specify the parameters manually.

Using a Language Module from a Traditional Plugin

To use a language module from a traditional Liferay plugin you must specify the language module via the Require-Capability and Provide-Capability OSGi manifest headers in the plugin’s file.

Follow these steps to configure your traditional plugin to use a language module:

  1. Open the plugin’s file and add a Require-Capability header that filters on the language module’s resource bundle capability. For example, if the language module’s symbolic name is myapp.lang, specify the requirement like this:

    Require-Capability: liferay.resource.bundle;filter:="("
  2. In the same file, add a Provide-Capability header that adds the language module’s resource bundle as this plugin’s (the myapp.web plugin) own resource bundle:


In this case, the myapp.web plugin solely uses the language module’s resource bundle—the resource bundle aggregate only includes language module myapp.lang.

Aggregating resource bundles comes into play when you want to use a language module’s resource bundle in addition to your plugin’s resource bundle. These instructions show you how to do this, while prioritizing your current plugin’s resource bundle over the language module resource bundle. In this way, the language module’s language keys compliment your plugin’s language keys.

For example, a portlet whose bundle symbolic name is myapp.web uses keys from the language module myapp.lang in addition to its own. The portlet’s Provide-Capability and Web-ContextPath OSGi headers accomplish this.


The example Provide-Capability header has two parts:

  1. liferay.resource.bundle;"content.Language" declares that the module provides a resource bundle whose base name is content.language.

  2. The liferay.resource.bundle;resource.bundle.aggregate:String=... directive specifies the list of bundles whose resource bundles are aggregated, the target bundle, the target bundle’s resource bundle name, and this service’s ranking:

    • "(,(": The service aggregates resource bundles from bundles (the current module) and Aggregate as many bundles as desired. Listed bundles are prioritized in descending order.
    •;"content.Language": Override the myapp.web bundle’s resource bundle named content.Language.
    • service.ranking:Long="4": The resource bundle’s service ranking is 4. The OSGi framework applies this service if it outranks all other resource bundle services that target myapp.web’s content.Language resource bundle.
    • The target resource bundle is in servlet context myapp-web.

Now the language keys from the aggregated resource bundles compliment your plugin’s language keys.

Localizing Your Application

Overriding Language Keys

« Creating a Language ModuleAutomatically Generating Translations »
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