Upgrading Your Theme from Liferay Portal 6.2 to 7.2

In this tutorial, you’ll upgrade the Lunar Resort theme developed in the Liferay Portal 6.2 Developing a Liferay Theme Learning Path to Liferay DXP 7.2 using the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit. The Lunar Resort theme is similar to many Liferay Portal 6.2 themes, as it extends the _styled theme, adds configurable settings, and incorporates a responsive design that leverages Font Awesome icons and Bootstrap. The theme ZIP file contains its original source code.

Figure 1: The Lunar Resort example theme upgraded in this tutorial uses a clean, minimal design.

Figure 1: The Lunar Resort example theme upgraded in this tutorial uses a clean, minimal design.

As you upgrade this theme, you’ll learn how to update metadata, theme templates, UI, and more using all the best practices and standards. Completing this tutorial prepares you for upgrading your own theme.

Let’s Go!

« Upgrading a Theme to 7.2Setting up the Development Environment »
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