The Control Menu Entry sample provides a customizable button that is added to Liferay Portal’s default Control Menu. When deploying this sample with no customizations, an additional button is added to the User (right side) portion of the Control Menu.
Figure 1: The User area of the Control Menu is provided an additional link button when the Control Menu Entry sample is deployed to Liferay DXP.
The button navigates the user to Liferay’s website:
What API(s) and/or code components does this sample highlight?
This sample leverages the ProductNavigationControlMenuEntry API.
How does this sample leverage the API(s) and/or code component?
This sample first leverages the ProductNavigationControlMenuEntry
interface as
an OSGi service via the @Component
immediate = true,
property = {
"" + ProductNavigationControlMenuCategoryKeys.USER,
service = ProductNavigationControlMenuEntry.class
There are also two properties provided via the @Component
: the category in which your entry should reside. The default Control Menu provides three categories: SITES (left portion), TOOLS (middle portion), and USER (right portion)
: the order in which your entry will be displayed in the category. Entries are ordered from left to right. For example, an entry with order1
will be listed to the left of an entry with order2
. If the order is not specified, it’s chosen at random based on which service was registered first in the OSGi container.
This sample also implements the ProductNavigationControlMenuEntry
The following methods are implemented:
Refer to this sample’s BladeProductNavigationControlMenuEntry
class for
Javadocs describing these methods.
Where Is This Sample?
There are three different versions of this sample, each built with a different build tool: