Introduction to Back-end Frameworks

Liferay’s powerful back-end frameworks provide essential services behind the scenes. Here are some of the frameworks:

You can use these frameworks to provide important functionality to your applications.

Portlet Providers

Some apps perform the same operations on different entity types. For example, the Asset Publisher lets users browse, add, preview, and view various entities as assets including documents, web content, blogs, and more. The entities vary, but the operations and surrounding business logic stay the same. Apps like the Asset Publisher rely on the Portlet Providers framework to fetch portlets to operate on the entities. In this way, the framework lets you focus on entity operations and frees you from concern about portlets that carry out those operations.

Portlet Provider Classes

Portlet Provider classes are components that implement the PortletProvider interface, and are associated with an entity type. Once you’ve registered a Portlet Provider, you can invoke the PortletProviderUtil class to retrieve the portlet ID or portlet URL from that Portlet Provider.

As an example, examine the WikiEditPortletProvider class:

    immediate = true,
    property = {
    service = EditPortletProvider.class
public class WikiEditPortletProvider
    extends BasePortletProvider implements EditPortletProvider {

    public String getPortletName() {
        return WikiPortletKeys.WIKI;


WikiEditPortletProvider extends BasePortletProvider, inheriting its getPortletURL methods. WikiEditPortletProvider must, however, implement PortletProvider’s getPortletName method, which returns the portlet’s name WikiPortletKeys.WIKI.

The @Component annotation for WikiEditPortletProvider specifies these elements and properties:

  • immediate = true activates the component immediately upon installation.
  • "" specifies the entity type the portlet operates on.
  • "service.ranking:Integer=100" sets the component’s rank to 100, prioritizing it above all Portlet Providers that specify the same value but have a lower rank.
  • service = EditPortletProvider.class reflects the subinterface PortletProvider class this class implements (EditPortletProvider).

For step-by-step instructions on creating a Portlet Provider class, see Creating Portlet Providers. For instructions on using Portlet Providers to retrieve a portlet, see Retrieving Portlets.

Data Scopes

Apps can restrict their data to specific scopes. Scopes provide a context for the application’s data.

Global: One data set throughout a portal instance.

Site: One data set for each Site.

Page: One data set for each Page on a Site.

For example, a Site-scoped app has one set of data on one Site and a completely different set of data for another Site. For a detailed explanation of scopes, see the user guide article Widget Scope. To give your applications scope, you must manually add support for it. For instructions on this, see Enabling and Accessing Data Scopes.

Accessing the Site Scope Across Apps

There may be times when you must access a different app’s Site-scoped data from your app that is scoped to a page or the portal. For example, web content articles can be created in the page, Site, or portal scope. Structures and Templates for such articles, however, exist only in the Site scope. Other techniques return your app’s scope, which might not be the Site scope. What a pickle! Never fear, the ThemeDisplay method getSiteGroupId() is here! This method always gets the Site scope, no matter your app’s current scope. For an example of using this method, see Enabling and Accessing Data Scopes.

Message Bus

If you must ever do data processing outside the scope of the web’s request/response, look no further than the Message Bus. It’s conceptually similar to Java Messaging Service (JMS) Topics, but sacrifices transactional, reliable delivery capabilities, making it much lighter-weight. Liferay DXP uses Message Bus in many places:

  • Auditing
  • Search engine integration
  • Email subscriptions
  • Monitoring
  • Document Library processing
  • Background tasks
  • Cluster-wide request execution
  • Clustered cache replication

You can use it too! Here are some of Message Bus’s most important features:

  • publish/subscribe messaging
  • request queuing and throttling
  • flow control
  • multi-thread message processing

There are also tools, such as the Java SE’s JConsole, that can monitor Message Bus activities.

Figure 1: JConsole shows statistics on Message Bus messages sent, messages pending, and more.

Figure 1: JConsole shows statistics on Message Bus messages sent, messages pending, and more.

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