Mapping a Content Type to a Page

You must allow the mapping of your custom content type to the page type. To do this, implement the InfoDisplayContributor interface. Follow the steps below to complete this for the custom User content type.

  1. Inside your custom model project, create a new Java package and add a class named UserInfoDisplayContributor.

  2. Implement the InfoDisplayContributor interface and pass the User model as the type parameter. Then add the @Component annotation:

    @Component(immediate = true, service = InfoDisplayContributor.class)
    public class UserInfoDisplayContributor
        implements InfoDisplayContributor<User> {

    The @Component annotation registers the class as an info display contributor in the OSGi service registry. Set the service property to the interface you’re implementing.

  3. Implement the methods. For the example User content type, three methods are crucial to mapping its model to the Display Page Template framework:

    public String getClassName() {
        return User.class.getName();
    public String getInfoURLSeparator() {
        return "/user/";
    public String getLabel(Locale locale) {
        return "Users";
    • The class name is used to link the Display Page Template to the User model.
    • The URL separator is used to generate friendly URLs for the Display Page Template.
    • The label is the display name for the new content type.

Figure 1: After creating the *InfoDisplayContributor class, you can create Display Page Templates and map them to your custom model.

Figure 1: After creating the `*InfoDisplayContributor` class, you can create Display Page Templates and map them to your custom model.

Great! You’ve mapped your custom content type to the Display Page Template framework. Next, you’ll provide your content type’s fields.

« Supporting Custom Content Types in Content and Display PagesSpecifying the Fields of a Custom Content Type »
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