Specifying the Fields of a Custom Content Type

Now that your custom content type is selectable for a Display Page Template, you must specify the fields you want the user to map to the fragment’s editable fields in the Display Page Template. To do this, implement the InfoDisplayContributorField interface.

Follow the steps below to create a user name field for the User content type:

  1. Inside your custom model project, add a class named UserNameInfoDisplayContributorField.

  2. Implement the InfoDisplayContributorField interface and pass the User model as the type parameter. Then add the @Component annotation:

        property = "model.class.name=com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.User",
        service = InfoDisplayContributorField.class
    public class UserNameInfoDisplayContributorField
        implements InfoDisplayContributorField<User> {

    The @Component annotation declares the class as an info display contributor field in the OSGi service registry. You also set the property model.class.name, which associates the content type you wish to configure with this service.

  3. Implement the methods.

    public String getKey() {
        return "userName";
    public String getLabel(Locale locale) {
        return "User Name";
    public InfoDisplayContributorFieldType getType() {
        return InfoDisplayContributorFieldType.TEXT;
    public String getValue(User user, Locale locale) {
        return user.getFullName();

    The above methods

    • set the content type field key to username.
    • set the field label to User Name.
    • set the field type to text.
    • set the field value to the user’s full name.
  4. Now you must override the getInfoDisplayFields method in your *DisplayContributor class, so the mappable fields are displayed. Open the UserInfoDisplayContributor class and add the following method:

    public Set<InfoDisplayField> getInfoDisplayFields(
            long classTypeId, Locale locale)
        throws PortalException {
        Set<InfoDisplayField> infoDisplayFields = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        List<InfoDisplayContributorField> infoDisplayContributorFields =
        for (InfoDisplayContributorField infoDisplayContributorField :
        infoDisplayContributorFields) {
            InfoDisplayContributorFieldType infoDisplayContributorFieldType =
                new InfoDisplayField(
        return infoDisplayFields;
    private InfoDisplayContributorFieldTracker _infoDisplayContributorFieldTracker;

    This method references your new *InfoDisplayContributorField class to specify your content type’s fields.

Figure 1: After creating the *InfoDisplayContributorField class, your custom content type has a new field to map.

Figure 1: After creating the `*InfoDisplayContributorField` class, your custom content type has a new field to map.

Awesome! You’ve mapped the content type’s fields to the editable fields of the provided fragments. Next, you’ll provide the friendly URLs for the Display Page Template.

« Mapping a Content Type to a PageProviding Friendly URLs for a Custom Content Type »
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