This section’s earlier local service articles focus on CRUD methods: methods that create (add), read (get), update, and delete entities. But you might also need methods that provide business logic.
Since the Guestbook application doesn’t have any business logic, the Bookmarks
application, which is extremely similar, (Bookmark Folders and Bookmark entries
instead of Guestbooks and Guestbook entries) is used here to illustrate simple
business logic. Bookmarks application users open bookmarks (navigate to a
URLs) by clicking on them.
method supports this functionality:
public BookmarksEntry openEntry(long userId, BookmarksEntry entry) {
entry.setVisits(entry.getVisits() + 1);
userId, BookmarksEntry.class.getName(), entry.getEntryId(), 1);
return entry;
The openEntry
method tracks and persists the number of visits to the
’s URL, increments the number of views for the BookmarksEntry
as an asset, and returns the BookmarksEntry
. This method implements required
business logic that compliments the CRUD methods.
Convenience methods might also be appropriate for your app. They’re easier to use because they typically have these characteristics:
- Shorter parameter list
- Intuitive name
Short parameter lists are easier to satisfy, and methods that have intuitive names are easier to find in Javadoc.
For example, the Bookmarks application lets users move bookmarks to different
folders. Moving a bookmark can be done using the service’s updateEntry(...)
method, but its long parameter list is overkill since all the operation requires
is the bookmarks entry and the folder where it’s going. Compare the following
method call to a convenience method call.
Update method:
bookmarksEntryLocalService.updateEntry(userId, entryId, groupId, folderId, name, url, description, serviceContext);
Convenience method:
bookmarksEntryLocalService.moveEntry(entryId, folderId);
Here’s the moveEntry
public BookmarksEntry moveEntry(long entryId, long parentFolderId)
throws PortalException {
BookmarksEntry entry = getBookmarksEntry(entryId);
return entry;
The moveEntry
method retrieves the BookmarksEntry
entity by its ID, assigns
it a new parent folder, updates its tree path, persists all the entity’s
changes, and returns the entity. Convenience methods like this one facilitate
updating a subset of the entity’s attributes.
After implementing your custom business methods, run Service Builder to propagate them to the interface.
In your local services, you can implement business logic methods that suit your application.
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