Creating a Destination

Message Bus destinations are based on destination configurations and registered as OSGi services. Message Bus detects the destination services and manages their associated destinations.

Here are the steps for creating a destination. The example configurator class that follows demonstrates these steps.

  1. Create an activate(BundleContext) method in your component. Then create a BundleContext instance variable and set it to the activate method’s BundleContext:

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
        _bundleContext = bundleContext;
    private final BundleContext _bundleContext;

    You’ll create and register your destination inside this activate method. This ensures that the destination is available upon service activation. Once the destination is registered, Message Bus detects its service and manages the destination.

  2. Create a destination configuration by using one of DestinationConfiguration’s static create* methods or its constructor. Set any attributes that apply to the destinations you’ll create with the destination configuration.

    For example, this code uses the DestinationConfiguration constructor to create a destination configuration for parallel destinations. It then sets the destination configuration’s maximum queue size and RejectedExecutionHandler:

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
        // Create a DestinationConfiguration for parallel destinations.
        DestinationConfiguration destinationConfiguration =
            new DestinationConfiguration(
        // Set the DestinationConfiguration's max queue size and
        // rejected execution handler.
        RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler =
            new CallerRunsPolicy() {
                public void rejectedExecution(
                    Runnable runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor) {
                    if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                            "The current thread will handle the request " +
                                "because the graph walker's task queue is at " +
                                    "its maximum capacity");
                    super.rejectedExecution(runnable, threadPoolExecutor);
  3. Create the destination by invoking the DestinationFactory method createDestination(DestinationConfiguration), passing in the destination configuration from the previous step.

    For example, this code does so via a DestinationFactory reference:

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
        Destination destination = _destinationFactory.createDestination(
    private DestinationFactory _destinationFactory;
  4. Register the destination as an OSGi service by invoking the BundleContext method registerService with these parameters:

    • The destination class Destination.class.
    • Your Destination object.
    • A Dictionary of properties defining the destination, including the
    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
        Dictionary<String, Object> properties = new HashMapDictionary<>();
        properties.put("", destination.getName());
        ServiceRegistration<Destination> serviceRegistration =
                Destination.class, destination, properties);
  5. Manage the destination object and service registration resources using a collection such as a Map<String, ServiceRegistration<Destination>>. Keeping references to these resources is helpful for when you’re ready to unregister and destroy them.

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
    private final Map<String, ServiceRegistration<Destination>>
        _serviceRegistrations = new HashMap<>();
  6. Add a deactivate method that unregisters and destroys any destinations for this component. This ensures there aren’t any active destinations for this component when the service deactivates:

    protected void deactivate() {
        // Unregister and destroy destinations
        for (ServiceRegistration<Destination> serviceRegistration : 
            _serviceRegistrations.values()) {
            Destination destination = _bundleContext.getService(

Here’s the full messaging configurator component class that contains the code in the above steps:

@Component (
    immediate = true,
    service = MyMessagingConfigurator.class
public class MyMessagingConfigurator {

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {

        _bundleContext = bundleContext;

        // Create a DestinationConfiguration for parallel destinations.

        DestinationConfiguration destinationConfiguration =
            new DestinationConfiguration(

        // Set the DestinationConfiguration's max queue size and
        // rejected execution handler.


        RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler =
            new CallerRunsPolicy() {

                public void rejectedExecution(
                    Runnable runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor) {

                    if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                            "The current thread will handle the request " +
                                "because the graph walker's task queue is at " +
                                    "its maximum capacity");

                    super.rejectedExecution(runnable, threadPoolExecutor);



        // Create the destination

        Destination destination = _destinationFactory.createDestination(

        // Add the destination to the OSGi service registry

        Dictionary<String, Object> properties = new HashMapDictionary<>();

        properties.put("", destination.getName());

        ServiceRegistration<Destination> serviceRegistration =
                Destination.class, destination, properties);

        // Track references to the destination service registrations 


    protected void deactivate() {

        // Unregister and destroy destinations this component unregistered

        for (ServiceRegistration<Destination> serviceRegistration : 
            _serviceRegistrations.values()) {

            Destination destination = _bundleContext.getService(






    private final BundleContext _bundleContext;

    private DestinationFactory _destinationFactory;

    private final Map<String, ServiceRegistration<Destination>>
        _serviceRegistrations = new HashMap<>();

Message Bus Destinations

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