To provide a friendly URL for your custom content type, you must implement a friendly URL resolver to retrieve the desired information. For the User content type example, you’ll want to retrieve profiles by a user’s screen name.
To do this, follow the steps below.
Open the
class you created previously (covered here). Implement thegetInfoDisplayObjectProvider
method. For the User example, it looks like this:@Override public InfoDisplayObjectProvider<User> getInfoDisplayObjectProvider( long groupId, String urlTitle) throws PortalException { Group group = _groupLocalService.getGroup(groupId); User user = _userLocalService.getUserByScreenName( group.getCompanyId(), urlTitle); return new InfoDisplayObjectProvider<User>() { @Override public long getClassNameId() { return _classNameLocalService.getClassNameId(getClassName()); } @Override public long getClassPK() { return user.getUserId(); } @Override public long getClassTypeId() { return 0; } @Override public String getDescription(Locale locale) { return StringPool.BLANK; } @Override public User getDisplayObject() { return user; } @Override public long getGroupId() { return groupId; } @Override public String getKeywords(Locale locale) { return StringPool.BLANK; } @Override public String getTitle(Locale locale) { return user.getFullName(); } @Override public String getURLTitle(Locale locale) { return user.getScreenName(); } }; }
This method returns a new
for the User type. This is the specific model instance used to retrieve the mapped values and check for the display page. This is required by the friendly URL resolver. Now you’ll implement the friendly URL resolver for the User content type. -
Inside your custom model project, add a class named
. -
Implement the
interface. Then add the@Component
annotation:@Component(service = FriendlyURLResolver.class) public class UserDisplayPageFriendlyURLResolver implements FriendlyURLResolver { }
annotation declares the class as a friendly URL resolver in the OSGi service registry. -
Implement the methods. The User type’s implementation looks like this:
@Override public String getActualURL( long companyId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String mainPath, String friendlyURL, Map<String, String[]> params, Map<String, Object> requestContext) throws PortalException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)requestContext.get( "request"); InfoDisplayContributor infoDisplayContributor = _getInfoDisplayContributor(); List<String> paths = StringUtil.split(friendlyURL, CharPool.SLASH); InfoDisplayObjectProvider infoDisplayObjectProvider = infoDisplayContributor.getInfoDisplayObjectProvider( groupId, paths.get(1)); request.setAttribute( AssetDisplayPageWebKeys.INFO_DISPLAY_OBJECT_PROVIDER, infoDisplayObjectProvider); request.setAttribute( InfoDisplayWebKeys.INFO_DISPLAY_CONTRIBUTOR, infoDisplayContributor); Layout layout = _getInfoDisplayObjectProviderLayout( infoDisplayObjectProvider); return _portal.getLayoutActualURL(layout, mainPath); } @Override public LayoutFriendlyURLComposite getLayoutFriendlyURLComposite( long companyId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL, Map<String, String[]> params, Map<String, Object> requestContext) throws PortalException { Layout layout = _getInfoDisplayObjectProviderLayout( _getInfoDisplayObjectProvider(groupId, friendlyURL)); return new LayoutFriendlyURLComposite(layout, friendlyURL); } @Override public String getURLSeparator() { return "/user/"; } private InfoDisplayContributor _getInfoDisplayContributor() throws PortalException { InfoDisplayContributor infoDisplayContributor = _infoDisplayContributorTracker. getInfoDisplayContributorByURLSeparator(getURLSeparator()); if (infoDisplayContributor == null) { throw new PortalException( "Info display contributor is not available for " + getURLSeparator()); } return infoDisplayContributor; } private InfoDisplayObjectProvider _getInfoDisplayObjectProvider( long groupId, String friendlyURL) throws PortalException { List<String> paths = StringUtil.split(friendlyURL, CharPool.SLASH); InfoDisplayContributor infoDisplayContributor = _infoDisplayContributorTracker.getInfoDisplayContributor( User.class.getName()); return infoDisplayContributor.getInfoDisplayObjectProvider( groupId, paths.get(1)); } private Layout _getInfoDisplayObjectProviderLayout( InfoDisplayObjectProvider infoDisplayObjectProvider) { LayoutPageTemplateEntry layoutPageTemplateEntry = _layoutPageTemplateEntryService.fetchDefaultLayoutPageTemplateEntry( infoDisplayObjectProvider.getGroupId(), infoDisplayObjectProvider.getClassNameId(), infoDisplayObjectProvider.getClassTypeId()); if (layoutPageTemplateEntry != null) { return _layoutLocalService.fetchLayout( layoutPageTemplateEntry.getPlid()); } return null; } @Reference private InfoDisplayContributorTracker _infoDisplayContributorTracker; @Reference private LayoutLocalService _layoutLocalService; @Reference private LayoutPageTemplateEntryService _layoutPageTemplateEntryService; @Reference private Portal _portal;
Notice you’re finding the
corresponding to the current user. This serves as the representation/descriptor of the mapped object.When this implementation is deployed, you’ll receive an empty page when calling the URL
. You must return the values from the users that are mapped to the display page. You’ll do this next. -
Implement the
method in the previously created*InfoDisplayContributor
class.@Override public Map<String, Object> getInfoDisplayFieldsValues( User user, Locale locale) throws PortalException { Map<String, Object> infoDisplayFieldsValues = new HashMap<>(); List<InfoDisplayContributorField> infoDisplayContributorFields = _infoDisplayContributorFieldTracker.getInfoDisplayContributorFields( getClassName()); for (InfoDisplayContributorField infoDisplayContributorField : infoDisplayContributorFields) { Object fieldValue = infoDisplayContributorField.getValue( user, locale); infoDisplayFieldsValues.putIfAbsent( infoDisplayContributorField.getKey(), fieldValue); } return infoDisplayFieldsValues; }
Great! Now you have a friendly URL that maps to your display page template’s custom content type.