Integrating Display Pages into Content Creation

After you add support for Display Pages in your custom entities, you can integrate display page configuration into your entity’s creation form.

Display Page Taglib Example

To provide the Display Page selector for the User type after you created fields for it,

  1. Open your JSP used for displaying the editing interface (e.g., .../META-INF/resources/.../edit_entry.jsp).

  2. Add this code in the appropriate place in the layout to add the Display Page selector:

        classNameId="<%= PortalUtil.getClassNameId(User.class) %>"
      	classPK="<%= userId %>"
      	groupId="<%= scopeGroupId %>"

Now, a selector is available to define a default Display Page when editing or creating a User.

Figure 1: You need to add the Display Page selection to your content types create/edit page to define the Display Page for each instance of that asset.

Figure 1: You need to add the Display Page selection to your content type's create/edit page to define the Display Page for each instance of that asset.

Awesome! Your custom content type is now available for Content Pages and/or Display Page Templates.

« Providing Friendly URLs for a Custom Content TypeScreen Navigation Framework »
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