Upgrade Processes for Former Service Builder Plugins

If you modularized a traditional Liferay plugin application that implements Service Builder services, your new modular application must register itself in the Liferay DXP’s Release_ table. This is required regardless of whether release records already exist for previous versions of the app. A Bundle Activator is the recommended way to add a release record for the first modular version of your converted application.

Important: The steps covered in this article only apply to modular applications that use Service Builder and were modularized from traditional Liferay plugin applications. They do not apply to you if your application doesn’t use Service Builder or has never been a traditional Liferay plugin application (a WAR application).

Bundle Activator class code is dense but straightforward. Referring to an example Bundle Activator can be helpful. Here’s the Liferay Knowledge Base application’s Bundle Activator:

public class KnowledgeBaseServiceBundleActivator implements BundleActivator {

	public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
		Filter filter = bundleContext.createFilter(
				"(&(objectClass=", ModuleServiceLifecycle.class.getName(), ")",
				ModuleServiceLifecycle.DATABASE_INITIALIZED, ")"));

		_serviceTracker = new ServiceTracker<Object, Object>(
			bundleContext, filter, null) {

			public Object addingService(
				ServiceReference<Object> serviceReference) {

				try {
						upgradeServiceModuleRelease =
							new BaseUpgradeServiceModuleRelease() {

								protected String getNamespace() {
									return "KB";

								protected String getNewBundleSymbolicName() {
									return "com.liferay.knowledge.base.service";

								protected String getOldBundleSymbolicName() {
									return "knowledge-base-portlet";



					return null;
				catch (UpgradeException ue) {
					throw new RuntimeException(ue);



	public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) {

	private ServiceTracker<Object, Object> _serviceTracker;


Follow these steps to create a Bundle Activator:

  1. Create a class that implements the org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator interface:

    public class KnowledgeBaseServiceBundleActivator implements BundleActivator {
  2. Add a service tracker field:

    `private ServiceTracker<Object, Object> _serviceTracker;`
  3. Override BundleActivator’s stop method to close the service tracker:

    public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
  4. Override BundleActivator’s start method to instantiate a service tracker that creates a filter to listen for the app’s database initialization event and initializes the service tracker to use that filter. You’ll add the service tracker initialization code in the next steps. At the end of the start method, open the service tracker.

    public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
        Filter filter = bundleContext.createFilter(
                "(&(objectClass=", ModuleServiceLifecycle.class.getName(), ")",
                ModuleServiceLifecycle.DATABASE_INITIALIZED, ")"));
        _serviceTracker = new ServiceTracker<Object, Object>(
            bundleContext, filter, null) {
            // See the next step for this code ...
  5. In the service tracker initialization block { // See the next step for this code ... } from the previous step, add an addingService method that instantiates a BaseUpgradeServiceModuleRelease for describing your app. The example BaseUpgradeServiceModuleRelease instance below describes Liferay’s Knowledge Base app:

    public Object addingService(
        ServiceReference<Object> serviceReference) {
        try {
                    upgradeServiceModuleRelease =
                new BaseUpgradeServiceModuleRelease() {
                    protected String getNamespace() {
                        return "KB";
                    protected String getNewBundleSymbolicName() {
                        return "com.liferay.knowledge.base.service";
                    protected String getOldBundleSymbolicName() {
                        return "knowledge-base-portlet";
            return null;
        catch (UpgradeException ue) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ue);

    The BaseUpgradeServiceModuleRelease implements the following methods:

    • getNamespace: Returns the namespace value as specified in the former plugin’s service.xml file. This value is also in the buildNamespace field in the plugin’s ServiceComponent table record.
    • getOldBundleSymbolicName: Returns the former plugin’s name.
    • getNewBundleSymbolicName: Returns the module’s symbolic name. In the module’s bnd.bnd file, it’s the Bundle-SymbolicName value.
    • upgrade: Invokes the app’s upgrade processes.
  6. In the module’s bnd.bnd file, reference the Bundle Activator class you created. Here’s the example’s Bundle Activator reference:

    Bundle-Activator: com.liferay.knowledge.base.internal.activator.KnowledgeBaseServiceBundleActivator

The Bundle Activator uses one of the following values to initialize the schemaVersion field in the application’s Release_ table record:

  • Current buildNumber: if there is an existing Release_ table record for the previous plugin.
  • 0.0.1: if there is no existing Release_ table record.

Wonderful! You’ve set your service module’s data upgrade process.

« Creating Upgrade Processes for ModulesUpgrading Data Schemas in Development »
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