Using the Message Bus

Here, you’ll learn how to use the Message Bus to send and receive messages in the portal. The following topics are covered:

Messaging Destinations

In Message Bus, you send messages to destinations. A destination is a named logical (not physical) location. Sender classes send messages to destinations, while listener classes wait to receive messages at the destinations. In this way, the sender and recipient don’t need to know each other—they’re loosely coupled.

Destination Configuration

Each destination has a name and type and can have several other attributes. The destination type determines these things:

  • Whether there’s a message queue.
  • The kinds of threads involved with a destination.
  • The message delivery behavior to expect at the destination.

Here are the primary destination types:

Parallel Destination

  • Messages sent here are queued.
  • Multiple worker threads from a thread pool deliver each message to a registered message listener. There’s one worker thread per message per message listener.

Serial Destination

  • Messages sent here are queued.
  • Worker threads from a thread pool deliver the messages to each registered message listener, one worker thread per message.

Synchronous Destination

  • Messages sent here are directly delivered to message listeners.
  • The thread sending the message here also delivers the message to all message listeners.

Preconfigured destinations exist for various purposes. The DestinationNames class defines String constants for each. For example, DestinationNames.HOT_DEPLOY (value is "liferay/hot_deploy") is for deployment event messages. Since destinations are tuned for specific purposes, don’t modify them.

Destinations are based on DestinationConfiguration instances. The configuration specifies the destination type, name, and these destination-related attributes:

Maximum Queue Size: Limits the number of the destination’s queued messages.

Rejected Execution Handler: A RejectedExecutionHandler instance can take action (e.g., log warnings) regarding rejected messages when the destination queue is full.

Workers Core Size: Initial number of worker threads for processing messages.

Workers Max Size: Limits the number of worker threads for processing messages.

The DestinationConfiguration class provides these static methods for creating the various types of configurations.

  • createParallelDestinationConfiguration(String destinationName)
  • createSerialDestinationConfiguration(String destinationName)
  • createSynchronousDestinationConfiguration(String destinationName)

You can also use the DestinationConfiguration constructor to create a configuration for any destination type, even your own.

For instructions on creating your own destination, see Creating a Destination.

Message Listeners

If you’re interested in messages sent to a destination, you need to listen for them. That is, you must create and register a message listener for the destination.

To create a message listener, implement the MessageListener interface and override its receive(Message) method to process messages your way.

public void receive(Message message) {
    // Process messages your way

Here are the ways to register your listener with Message Bus:

Automatic Registration as a Component: Publish the listener to the OSGi registry as a Declarative Services component that specifies a destination. Message Bus automatically wires the listener to the destination.

Registering via MessageBus: Obtain and use a MessageBus reference to directly register the listener to a destination.

Registering Directly to a Destination: Obtain a reference to a specific destination and use it to directly register the listener with that destination.

For instructions on these topics, see Registering Message Listeners.

Sending Messages

Message Bus lets you send messages to destinations that have any number of listening classes. As a message sender you don’t need to know the message recipients. Instead, you focus on creating message content (payload) and sending messages to destinations.

You can also send messages in a synchronous or asynchronous manner. The synchronous option waits for a response that the message was received or that it timed out. The asynchronous option gives you the “fire and forget” behavior; send the message and continue processing without waiting for a response.

See these topics for instructions on creating and sending messages:

« Enabling and Accessing Data ScopesCreating a Destination »
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