Creating Upgrade Processes for Modules

Follow these steps to create an upgrade process for your module:

  1. Open your module’s bnd.bnd file, and specify a Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion header with the new schema version value. Here’s an example schema version header for a module whose new schema is version 1.1:

    Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion: 1.1
  2. Add a dependency on the com.liferay.portal.upgrade module, along with any other modules your upgrade process requires, in your your module’s dependency management file (e.g., Maven POM, Gradle build file, or Ivy ivy.xml file). An example configuration for a build.gradle file is shown below:

    compile group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.portal.upgrade.api", version: "2.0.3"
  3. Create an UpgradeProcess class that extends the UpgradeProcess base class ( which implements the UpgradeStep interface):

    public class MyUpgradeSchemaClass extends UpgradeProcess {
  4. Override the UpgradeProcess class’s doUpgrade() method with instructions for modifying the database. Use the runSQL and runSQLTemplate* methods (inherited from the BaseDBProcess class) to execute your SQL commands and SQL DDL, respectively. If you want to create, modify, or drop tables or indexes by executing DDL sentences from an SQL file, make sure to use ANSI SQL only. Doing this assures the commands work on different databases. If you need to use non-ANSI SQL, it’s best to write it in the UpgradeProcess class’s runSQL or alter methods, along with tokens that allow porting the sentences to different databases, as shown in journal-service module’s UpgradeSchema upgrade step class below which uses the runSQLTemplateString method to execute ANSI SQL DDL from an SQL file and the alter method and UpgradeProcess’s UpgradeProcess.AlterColumnName and UpgradeProcess.AlterColumnType inner classes as token classes to modify column names and column types:

    public class UpgradeSchema extends UpgradeProcess {
      protected void doUpgrade() throws Exception {
          String template =
          runSQLTemplateString(template, false, false);
              new AlterColumnName(
                  "structureId", "DDMStructureKey VARCHAR(75) null"),
              new AlterColumnName(
                  "templateId", "DDMTemplateKey VARCHAR(75) null"),
              new AlterColumnType("description", "TEXT null"));
              new AlterColumnName("structureId", "DDMStructureKey TEXT null"),
              new AlterColumnName("templateId", "DDMTemplateKey TEXT null"),
              new AlterColumnName(
                  "rendererTemplateId", "DDMRendererTemplateKey TEXT null"),
              new AlterColumnType("targetPortletId", "VARCHAR(200) null"));

    Here’s a simpler example upgrade step from the com.liferay.calendar.service module. It uses the alter method to modify a column type in the calendar booking table:

    public class UpgradeCalendarBooking extends UpgradeProcess {
            protected void doUpgrade() throws Exception {
                            new AlterColumnType("description", "TEXT null"));
  5. If your application was modularized from a former traditional Liferay plugin application (application WAR) and it uses Service Builder, create and register a Bundle Activator to register it in Liferay DXP’s Release_ table.

  6. Create an UpgradeStepRegistrator OSGi Component class of service type UpgradeStepRegistrator.class that implements the UpgradeStepRegistrator interface:

    package com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade;
    import com.liferay.portal.upgrade.registry.UpgradeStepRegistrator;
    import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
    @Component(immediate = true, service = UpgradeStepRegistrator.class)
    public class MyCustomModuleUpgrade implements UpgradeStepRegistrator {
  7. Override the register method to implement the module’s upgrade registrations—abstractions for the upgrade steps required to update the database from one schema version to the next. For example, the upgrade step registrator class MyCustomModuleUpgrade (below) registers three upgrade steps incrementally for each schema version (past and present, 0.0.0 to 2.0.0, 1.0.0 to 1.1.0, and 1.1.0 to 2.0.0).

    The first registration is applied if the module hasn’t been installed previously. It contains only one empty upgrade step: new DummyUpgradeStep(). This registration records the module’s latest schema version (i.e., 2.0.0) in Liferay DXP’s Release_ table. Note that if the same class name is used in multiple packages, you must provide the fully qualified class name for the class, as shown in the second registration (1.0.0 to 1.1.0) below for the UpgradeFoo class:

    package com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade;
    import com.liferay.portal.upgrade.registry.UpgradeStepRegistrator;
    import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
    @Component(immediate = true, service = UpgradeStepRegistrator.class)
    public class MyCustomModuleUpgrade implements UpgradeStepRegistrator {
        public void register(Registry registry) {
                "com.liferay.mycustommodule", "0.0.0", "2.0.0",
                new DummyUpgradeStep());
                "com.liferay.mycustommodule", "1.0.0", "1.1.0",
                new com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v1_1_0.UpgradeFoo());
                "com.liferay.mycustommodule", "1.1.0", "2.0.0",
                new com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v2_0_0.UpgradeFoo(),
                new UpgradeBar());
  8. If your upgrade step uses an OSGi service, your upgrade must wait for that service’s availability. Use the @Reference annotation to declare any classes that the registrator class depends on. For example, the WikiServiceUpgrade registrator class below references the SettingsFactory class for the UpgradePortletSettings upgrade step. The setSettingsFactory method’s @Reference annotation declares that the registrator class depends on and must wait for the SettingsFactory service to be available in the run time environment:

    @Component(immediate = true, service = UpgradeStepRegistrator.class)
    public class WikiServiceUpgrade implements UpgradeStepRegistrator {
    	public void register(Registry registry) {
    		registry.register("0.0.1", "0.0.2", new UpgradeSchema());
    		registry.register("0.0.2", "0.0.3", new UpgradeKernelPackage());
    			"0.0.3", "1.0.0", new UpgradeCompanyId(),
    			new UpgradeLastPublishDate(), new UpgradePortletPreferences(),
    			new UpgradePortletSettings(_settingsFactory), new UpgradeWikiPage(),
    			new UpgradeWikiPageResource());
    		registry.register("1.0.0", "1.1.0", new UpgradeWikiNode());
    			"1.1.0", "1.1.1",
    			new UpgradeDiscussionSubscriptionClassName(
    				_subscriptionLocalService, WikiPage.class.getName(),
    			"1.1.1", "2.0.0",
    			new BaseUpgradeSQLServerDatetime(
    				new Class<?>[] {WikiNodeTable.class, WikiPageTable.class}));
    	private SettingsFactory _settingsFactory;
    	private SubscriptionLocalService _subscriptionLocalService;
  9. Upgrade the database to the latest database schema version before making its services available. To do this, configure the Bnd header Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion to the latest schema version for Service Builder services. For all other services, specify an @Reference annotation that targets the containing module and its latest schema version.

    Here are the target’s required attributes:

    • module’s bundle symbolic name
    • release.schema.version: module’s current schema version

    For example, the module’s PageCommentsPortlet class upgrades to schema version 2.0.0 by defining the reference below:

        target = "(&("
    private Release _release;

    Dependencies between OSGi services can reduce the number of service classes in which upgrade reference annotations are needed. For example, there’s no need to add an upgrade reference in a dependent service, if the dependency already refers to the upgrade.

Great! Now you know how to create data upgrades for all your modules.

« Introduction to Upgrade ProcessesUpgrade Processes for Former Service Builder Plugins »
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