Workflow Application

The basic sample demonstrates workflow enabling an entity that is not an asset.

To see the Workflow sample in action, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the sample widget to a page by navigating to Add (Add) → WidgetsSampleWorkflow Basic and dragging it to the page.

  2. Go to Control PanelWorkflowProcess BuilderConfiguration and assign a workflow to the Baz entity.

  3. Select the app’s Add button and add an entity. Do this several times to create multiple entities.

  4. Go to UserMy Workflow TasksAssigned to My Roles and assigned the task to me and Approve the Task.

Now you’ve taken the entity and successfully run it through a workflow.

What API(s) and/or code components does this sample highlight?

This sample demonstrates Liferay DXP’s Workflow Handler API. Specifically, it demonstrates how to create a WorkflowHandler for your custom entity.

How does this sample leverage the API(s) and/or code component?

The basic implementation of WorkflowHandler is done via extension of the BaseWorkflowHandler class. This is where the sample leverages the basic methods required for the entity’s WorkflowHandler.

public String getClassName() {
  return Baz.class.getName();

public String getTitle(long classPK, Locale locale) {
  return String.valueOf(classPK);

public String getType(Locale locale) {
  return ResourceActionsUtil.getModelResource(locale, getClassName());

public Baz updateStatus(
    int status, Map<String, Serializable> workflowContext)
  throws PortalException {

  long userId = GetterUtil.getLong(

  long classPK = GetterUtil.getLong(

  return _bazLocalService.updateStatus(userId, classPK, status);

For more information on the workflow framework, visit its dedicated documentation.

« Workflow Asset ApplicationExtensions »
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