Users Instance Settings

The Users configuration defines the look and feel of the Personal Menu, the default user associations for Users, and defines whether specific fields are available when a new User creates an account.

To access the Users settings, Open the Control Panel and navigate to ConfigurationInstance Settings, and select the Users category under the PLATFORM section.

The Users Instance configuration contains three entries:

  • Personal Menu
  • Default User Associations
  • Fields

Each configuration entry is described in the corresponding section below.

Personal Menu

The Personal Menu configuration entry specifies whether personal applications use the same look and feel as the current site or if they should use the look and feel of the My Dashboard pages instead. You can also specify whether the personal menu appears in the Control Menu (as it did in past versions of Liferay DXP) by toggling the Show in Control Menu option on and off.

Default User Associations

The Default User Associations configuration entry defines the default Sites, Organization Sites, Roles, and User Groups you want all new Users assigned to automatically. By default, new Users are only assigned to the Users Role. User groups are handy tools for pre-populating your Users’ private Sites with pages, assigning Roles and permissions, and managing site membership. If you update this configuration after your Users have created their accounts, don’t worry. You can apply the updates to existing Users by checking the Apply to Existing Users checkbox. Changes take effect the next time the User signs in.


The Fields configuration entry contains settings for enabling/disabling the fields listed below on the Add/Edit User Form:

  • Autogeneration of screen names
  • Birthday field
  • Gender field
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