More Platform Section Instance Settings

The Instance Settings also contain settings for Infrastructure and Localization, as well as integrations for Analytics and Third Party map APIs. Each configuration entry is described in the corresponding section below.


The Infrastructure category contains settings to specify which content types are validated during the Import/Export process and whether to delete temporary LAR files during the Import/Export process.

To access these settings, open the Control Panel and navigate to ConfigurationInstance Settings and select Infrastructure under the PLATFORM heading.


The Localization category contains the configuration for setting the default instance language and time zone for the virtual instance. You can also configure the Language Selector’s look and feel from the Widget Scope.

To access the Localization settings, Open the Control Panel and navigate to ConfigurationInstance Settings, and select the Localization category under the PLATFORM section.


The Analytics category defines the available analytics systems for the virtual instance. Enter an analytics system or remove one of the two pre-configured options (google and piwik). Activate these systems here, and configure them at the site level.

To access Analytics configuration settings, open the Control Panel and navigate to ConfigurationInstance Settings, and select the Analytics category under the PLATFORM section.

Third Party

The Third Party category specifies the maps API provider for geolocalized assets. Choose OpenStreetMap or Google Maps as the maps API provider.

To access Third Party configuration settings, open the Control Panel and navigate to ConfigurationInstance Settings, and select the Third Party category under the PLATFORM section.

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