Indexing Model Entities

Model entities are searchable when their data fields are indexed by the search engine. Search and indexing code relies on Search APIs and SPIs.

The extension points (i.e., the interfaces to implement) in this section are provided by the bundle. Calls are also made to the bundle’s methods.

Here are the Gradle dependencies for Liferay DXP 7.2.0 GA1:

dependencies {
    compileOnly group: "com.liferay", name: "", version: "3.2.1"
    compileOnly group: "com.liferay", name: "", version: "3.7.0"

Contributing Model Entity Fields to the Index

Write a ModelDocumentContributor class to control how model entity fields are indexed in search engine documents.

Extension Point (SPI):<T>

Declare the Component’s and its service type as a ModelDocumentContributor class:

	immediate = true,
	property = "",
	service = ModelDocumentContributor.class
public class FooEntryModelDocumentContributor
	implements ModelDocumentContributor<FooEntry> {

Implement the contribute method, calling the com.liferay.portal.kernel.Document.add() method appropriate for the data type the index should use (e.g., addText for fields that should be searched using a full text search strategy).

public void contribute(Document document, FooEntry fooEntry) {

    document.addDate(Field.DISPLAY_DATE, fooEntry.getDisplayDate());
    document.addDate(Field.MODIFIED_DATE, fooEntry.getModifiedDate());
    document.addText(Field.SUBTITLE, fooEntry.getSubtitle());

For fields that should be localized, index a field for each locale in the Site. Many times you’ll want to localize the title and content fields, for example:

for (Locale locale :
        LanguageUtil.getAvailableLocales(fooEntry.getGroupId())) {

    String languageId = LocaleUtil.toLanguageId(locale);

        LocalizationUtil.getLocalizedName(Field.CONTENT, languageId),
        LocalizationUtil.getLocalizedName(Field.TITLE, languageId),

The above strategy is a good one: loop through the available locales in the site, then use com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.LocalizationUtil to add the localized field name to the document.

The contribute method is called each time the add and update methods in the entity’s service layer are called.

Configure Re-Indexing and Batch Indexing Behavior

ModelIndexerWriterContributor classes configure the re-indexing and batch re-indexing behavior for the model entity. This class’s customize method is called when a re-index is triggered from the Search administrative application found in Control Panel → Configuration → Search, or when a CRUD operation is made on the entity, if the modelIndexed method is implemented in the contributor.

Extension Point (SPI):

The bulk of the work is in the customize method. This code uses the actionable dynamic query helper method to retrieve all existing Foo entities in the virtual instance (identified by the Company ID). If you’re using Service Builder, this query method was generated for you when you built the services. Each Foo Entry document is then retrieved and added to a collection.

  1. First set up the component and class declarations:

        immediate = true,
        property = "",
        service = ModelIndexerWriterContributor.class
    public class FooEntryModelIndexerWriterContributor
        implements ModelIndexerWriterContributor<FooEntry> {
  2. Write the customize method:

    public void customize(
        BatchIndexingActionable batchIndexingActionable,
        ModelIndexerWriterDocumentHelper modelIndexerWriterDocumentHelper) {
            dynamicQuery -> {
                Property displayDateProperty = PropertyFactoryUtil.forName(
                dynamicQuery.add( Date()));
                Property statusProperty = PropertyFactoryUtil.forName("status");
                Integer[] statuses = {
            (FooEntry fooEntry) -> {
                Document document =
  3. Override getBatchIndexingActionable:

    public BatchIndexingActionable getBatchIndexingActionable() {
        return _dynamicQueryBatchIndexingActionableFactory.
  4. Override getcompanyId, getting the ID from your entity:

    public long getCompanyId(FooEntry fooEntry) {
    	return fooEntry.getCompanyId();
  5. Override getIndexerWriterMode:

    public IndexerWriterMode getIndexerWriterMode(FooEntry fooEntry) {
    	int status = fooEntry.getStatus();
    	if ((status == WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED) ||
    		(status == WorkflowConstants.STATUS_IN_TRASH) ||
    		(status == WorkflowConstants.STATUS_DRAFT)) {
    		return IndexerWriterMode.UPDATE;
    	return IndexerWriterMode.DELETE;
 defines the following index-writing options:

    • IndexerWriterMode.DELETE: instructs the search framework to delete the given document in the search index without re-creating it
    • IndexerWriterMode.PARTIAL_UPDATE, IndexerWriterMode.UPDATE: instructs the search framework to update the given document in the search index.
    • IndexerWriterMode.SKIP: instructs the search framework to not write anything to the search index.

    The default is IndexerWriterMode.UPDATE.

  6. Add the services referenced:

    private FooEntryLocalService _fooEntryLocalService;
    private DynamicQueryBatchIndexingActionableFactory

Contribute Fields to Every Document

DocumentContributor classes (without any component property or type parameter) contribute certain fields to every index document, regardless of what base entity is being indexed. For example, the GroupedModelDocumentContributor contains logic to contribute GROUP_ID and SCOPE_GROUP_ID fields for all documents with a backing entity that’s also a GroupedModel.

« Model Entity Indexing FrameworkSearching the Index for Model Entities »
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