Migrating a Service Builder Module from Spring DI to OSGi DS

Prior to Liferay DXP 7.2, Service Builder modules could only use Spring for dependency injection (DI). Now OSGi Declarative Services (DS) is the default dependency injection mechanism for new Service Builder modules. It’s easier to learn and fosters loose coupling between services. If you have an existing Service Builder module that uses Spring DI, you can modify it to use DS.

Here are the conversion steps:

  1. Prepare your project for DS

  2. Update your Spring bean classes

  3. Resolve any circular dependencies

Now prepare your project.

Step 1: Prepare Your Project for DS

Prepare your project’s metadata, dependencies, and service.xml for DS.

  1. Enable the DS annotation option for your inherited dependencies by adding this line to your bnd.bnd file:

    -dsannotations-options: inherit
  2. Since DS Service Builder modules use the AOP API, add it as a compile dependency in build.gradle:

    compileOnly group: "com.liferay:com.liferay.portal.aop.api", version: "1.0.0"
  3. Add the dependency-injector="ds" attribute to your service.xml file’s <service-builder> element:

    <service-builder dependency-injector="ds" >

Step 2: Update Your Spring Bean Classes

Some of your non-generated Spring bean classes must be updated to use DS.

  1. Add the @Component annotation to your *LocalServiceImpl, *ServiceImpl, and *FinderImpl classes.

  2. If the class implements a *Finder interface, declare the component as that service type. Example:

    @Component(service = MyFinder.class)
  3. If the class implements a remote or local service, declare the component as the com.liferay.portal.aop.AopService service type. Example:

    @Component(service = AopService.class)
  4. If it’s a remote service (i.e., -ServiceImpl instead of -LocalServiceImpl), enable JSON web services by setting these properties in your @Component annotation:

    • json.web.service.context.name
    • json.web.service.context.path

    Set them to the same values as the properties in your remote service interface’s @OSGiBeanProperties annotation.

  5. If it’s a local service, enable PersistedModelLocalService service tracking by setting the @Component property model.class.name to the service entity’s fully qualified class name.

  6. Replace all the @ServiceReference and @BeanReference field annotations with the DS @Reference annotation.

  7. Use the @Reference field annotation to access any other services you need.

  8. Run Service Builder to regenerate the interfaces based on your implementation changes.

  9. Replace the following methods:

    • afterPropertiesSet() {...}activate() {...} and annotate with @Activate.

    • destroy() {...}deactivate() {...} and annotate with @Deactivate.

Next, you’ll work out any remaining references you need.

Step 3: Resolve Any Circular Dependencies

Circular dependencies occur in a module if two or more of its DS services refer to each another (either directly or indirectly). A direct reference occurs, for example, when service A references service B, and B references A. Here’s what the service components might look like:


@Component(service = A.class)
public class AImpl implements A {
    private B _b;


@Component(service = B.class)
public class BImpl implements B {
    private A _a;

AImpl and BImpl directly depend on each other. This circular dependency prevents each service component from resolving. DS service activation requires that all of a service’s dependencies (references) be satisfied.

Note: Service resolution is independent and separate from module (OSGi bundle) resolution:

  • Module resolution is determined by the module’s manifest.
  • Modules resolve before any of their services become active.
  • Services inside a module cannot activate if the module cannot resolve.
  • A module can resolve even if none of its services activate.

The example above demonstrates a very small circle, composed of only two classes, but a circle can compose more classes. For example, A references B, B references C, C references A. Detecting and resolving such a dependency can be complicated.

There is no general, correct way to detect and resolve circular dependencies; cases vary. However, Liferay provides tools that facilitate detecting circular dependencies and examining the DS service components involved.

  • system:check: This Gogo shell command provides several checks, including one that detects inactive service components whose required references are unresolved.

  • scr:info [component]: Execute this Gogo shell command on an unresolved component to report its unresolved references.

Congratulations on converting your service module to use Declarative Services.

Service Builder

Understanding the Code Service Builder Generates

Declarative Services

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