In the data erasure UI, it’s important that administrators can find what they’re looking for. The native Liferay DXP entities support filtering and search, and when you follow the steps here, your entities will, too.
To add filtering and searching for your custom entities, implement three
methods in the UADDisplay
class (in your application’s -uad
The isSiteScoped
method returns a boolean denoting if the
entities can be associated with a particular Site: false
if not, and
if the entities are scoped to a Site. This determines which
filter they are associated with (“instance”, “personal-site”, or
public boolean isSiteScoped() {
return false;
Implement the search
and searchCount
methods to enable search in the UAD
method must return aList
of entities associated with theuserId
. For example, you could search the database for records associated with theuserId
:@Override public List<T> search( long userId, long[] groupIds, String keywords, String orderByField, String orderByType, int start, int end) { FooService<T> fooService = getFooService(); return dummyService.getEntities(userId); }
But if you’ve gone through the trouble of indexing your model entity’s fields in a search engine, it’s more likely you’ll want to do the initial search, querying for documents matching the
, at the search engine level. After the search, retrieve the matching entities from the database.@Override public List<T> search( long userId, long[] groupIds, String keywords, String orderByField, String orderByType, int start, int end) { SearchContext searchContext = new SearchContext(); searchContext.setStart(start); searchContext.setEnd(end); searchContext.setGroupIds(groupIds); searchContext.setKeywords(keywords); BooleanQuery booleanQuery = BooleanQueryFactoryUtil.create( searchContext); booleanQuery.addExactTerm("userId", userId); BooleanClause booleanClause = BooleanClauseFactoryUtil.create( booleanQuery, BooleanClauseOccur.MUST.getName()); searchContext.setBooleanClauses(new BooleanClause[] {booleanClause}); Indexer indexer = IndexerRegistryUtil.getIndexer(FooEntry.class); Hits hits =; List<FooEntry> fooEntries = new ArrayList<FooEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < hits.getDocs().length; i++) { Document doc = hits.doc(i); long entryId = GetterUtil .getLong(doc.get(Field.ENTRY_CLASS_PK)); Entry entry = null; try { entry = _fooEntryLocalService.getFooEntry(fooEntryId); } catch (PortalException pe) { _log.error(pe.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SystemException se) { _log.error(se.getLocalizedMessage()); } fooEntries.add(fooEntry); } return fooEntries; }
It largely boils down to instantiating and populating the search context, which gets passed to the
call to retrieve theHits
. Subsequently, populate theList
by iterating through theHits
, using each one’sENTRY_CLASS_PK
field as the primary key of the entity in the call to the entity’s getter. TheBooleanClause
construction and inclusion in the search context ensures that all the results returned correspond to theuserId
that’s passed to this method. -
method returns a long of the resultList
method. You could just invoke the class’ssearch
method, then call theList
method.@Override public long searchCount(long userId, long[] groupIds, String keywords) { List<T> results = search( userId, groupIds, keywords, null, null, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS); return results.size(); }
But, again, if the model entity is being indexed in a search engine, you can use it to get a count without ever hitting the database. Using the
object returned from a search (see the code from step 1, but don’t includestart
parameters in theSearchContext
), callhits.getLegnth()
and you get the count, as anint
Now administrators responsible for complying with GDPR or other data erasure concerns can search and filter your entity from the Liferay DXP UAD interface.