Adding Metadata

Writing the Guestbook Admin App

Step 2 of 6

Now that you’ve generated the classes, you must turn them into OSGi components. Remember that because components are container-managed objects, you must provide metadata that tells Liferay DXP’s OSGi container how to manage their life cycles.

Follow these steps:

  1. Add the following portlet key to the GuestbookPortletKeys class (it’s in the package):

    public static final String GUESTBOOK_ADMIN =

    Save the file.

  2. Open the GuestbookAdminPortlet class and add the @Component annotation immediately above the class declaration:

        immediate = true,
        property = {
                "" + GuestbookPortletKeys.GUESTBOOK_ADMIN,
        service = Portlet.class
  3. Hit [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+O to add the javax.portlet.Portlet and other imports.

There are only a few new things here. Note the value of the javax.portlet.display-name property: Guestbooks. This is the name that appears in the Site menu. Also note the value of the property: + GuestbookPortletKeys.GUESTBOOK_ADMIN. This specifies the portlet’s title via the GUESTBOOK_ADMIN portlet key that you just created.

Pay special attention to the following metadata property:


This is the same property you used before with the Guestbook portlet. You placed that portlet in the Social category. The value category.hidden specifies a special category that doesn’t appear anywhere. The Guestbook Admin portlet goes here because you don’t want users adding it to a page. This prevents them from doing that.

Next, you can configure the Panel app class. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the GuestbookAdminPanelApp class and add the @Component annotation immediately above the class declaration:

        immediate = true,
        property = {
            "panel.category.key=" + PanelCategoryKeys.SITE_ADMINISTRATION_CONTENT
        service = PanelApp.class

    The panel.category.key metadata property determines where to place the Guestbook Admin portlet in the Product Menu. Remember that the Product Menu is divided into three main sections: the Control Panel, the User Menu, and the Site Administration area. The value of the panel.category.key property is PanelCategoryKeys.SITE_ADMINISTRATION_CONTENT, which means Guestbook Admin is in Site BuilderContent & Data. The key is provided by the PanelCategoryKeys class. The value determines the rank for the Guestbook Admin portlet in the list.

  2. Finally, update the class to use the proper name and portlet keys:

    public class GuestbookAdminPanelApp extends BasePanelApp {
        public String getPortletId() {
            return GuestbookPortletKeys.GUESTBOOK_ADMIN;
            target = "(" + GuestbookPortletKeys.GUESTBOOK_ADMIN + ")",
            unbind = "-"
        public void setPortlet(Portlet portlet) {
  3. Hit [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+O to organize imports. This time, import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Portlet instead of javax.portlet.Portlet.

Now that the configuration is out of the way, you’re free to implement the app’s functionality: adding, editing, and deleting Guestbooks. That’s the next step.

« Creating the ClassesUpdating Your Service Layer »
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