Adding Tabs to the Guestbook Portlet

Writing the Guestbook Admin App

Step 5 of 6

Before you finish the Guestbook Admin portlet, you must prepare the Guestbook portlet’s UI to display multiple Guestbooks. As administrators add Guestbooks using the Guestbook Admin portlet, users must be able to choose which Guestbook they want to sign. They’ll do this using a series of tabs across the top:

Figure 1: Users can click a tab to choose which Guestbook to sign.

Figure 1: Users can click a tab to choose which Guestbook to sign.

This is surprisingly easy to do using Liferay’s Alloy UI tag library:

  1. Open view.jsp from the src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/guestbook folder.

  2. After the first Java snippet (the one that gets the guestbookId out of the request), add this code:

    <aui:nav cssClass="nav-tabs">
            List<Guestbook> guestbooks = GuestbookLocalServiceUtil.getGuestbooks(scopeGroupId);
                for (int i = 0; i < guestbooks.size(); i++) {
                    Guestbook curGuestbook = (Guestbook) guestbooks.get(i);
                    String cssClass = StringPool.BLANK;
                    if (curGuestbook.getGuestbookId() == guestbookId) {
                        cssClass = "active";
        <portlet:renderURL var="viewPageURL">
            <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/guestbook/view.jsp" />
            <portlet:param name="guestbookId"
                value="<%=String.valueOf(curGuestbook.getGuestbookId())%>" />
        <aui:nav-item cssClass="<%=cssClass%>" href="<%=viewPageURL%>"
            label="<%=HtmlUtil.escape(curGuestbook.getName())%>" />
  3. Save the file.

This code declares the AUI navigation tabs. Then a code scriptlet gets all the Guestbooks in this scope and loops through each one. As it examines them, it checks to see if the one it’s examining is the current Guestbook. If so, a CSS style called active is applied.

After this, a new URL called viewPageURL is created that points to view.jsp with a guestbookId parameter containing the current Guestbook in the loop. Finally, an <aui:nav-item> tag declares the markup for the tab, using the CSS class, the URL containing the parameters to navigate to the new Guestbook, and the name to label it.

The loop continues until all the retrieved Guestbooks have tabs.

Awesome! You’ve updated the Guestbook portlet so it can display all the Guestbooks administrators add. Now it’s time to provide a UI for your Guestbook Admin portlet so they can do just that.

« Defining Portlet ActionsCreating a User Interface »
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