Fragment Configuration Types

There are four configurable Fragment types available to implement:

  • checkbox
  • colorPalette
  • select
  • text

For more information on how to make a Fragment configurable, see Making a Fragment Configurable.

In this article, you’ll explore JSON examples of each Fragment type.

Checkbox Configuration

The following JSON configuration creates a checkbox you can implement for cases where a boolean value selection is necessary:

    "fieldSets": [
            "fields": [
                    "name": "hideBody",
                    "label": "Hide Body",
                    "description": "hide-body",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "defaultValue": false

Figure 1: The checkbox configuration is useful when a boolean selection is necessary.

Figure 1: The checkbox configuration is useful when a boolean selection is necessary.

Color Palette Configuration

The following JSON configuration creates a color selector you can implement for cases where you must select a color:

    "fieldSets": [
            "fields": [
                    "name": "textColor",
                    "label": "Text color",
                    "type": "colorPalette",
                    "dataType": "object",
                    "defaultValue": {
                        "cssClass": "white",
                        "rgbValue": "rgb(255,255,255)"

The colorPalette type stores an object with two values: cssClass and rgbValue.

For example, if you implement the snippet above, you can use it in the FreeMarker context like this:

<h3 class="text-${configuration.textColor.cssClass}">Example</h3>

If you were to choose the color white, the h3 tag heading would have the class text-white'.

Figure 2: The colorPalette configuration is useful when a color selection is necessary.

Figure 2: The `colorPalette` configuration is useful when a color selection is necessary.

Select Configuration

The following JSON configuration creates a selector you can implement for cases where you must select a predefined option:

    "fieldSets": [
            "fields": [
                    "name": "numberOfFeatures",
                    "label": "Number Of Features",
                    "description": "number-of-features",
                    "type": "select",
                    "dataType": "int",
                    "typeOptions": {
                        "validValues": [
                            {"value": "1"},
                            {"value": "2"},
                            {"value": "3"}
                    "defaultValue": "3"

Configuration values inserted into the FreeMarker context honor the defined datatype value specified in the JSON file.

Figure 3: The select configuration is useful when an option choice is necessary.

Figure 3: The `select` configuration is useful when an option choice is necessary.

Text Configuration

The following JSON configuration creates an input text field you can implement for cases where you must manually input a text option:

    "fieldSets": [
            "fields": [
                    "name": "buttonText",
                    "label": "Button Text",
                    "description": "button-text",
                    "type": "text",
                    "typeOptions": {
                        "placeholder": "Placeholder"
                    "dataType": "string",
                    "defaultValue": "Go Somewhere"

Configuration values inserted into the FreeMarker context honor the defined datatype value specified in the JSON file.

Figure 4: The text configuration is useful when an input text option is necessary.

Figure 4: The `text` configuration is useful when an input text option is necessary.

« Fragment Specific TagsEscaping Fragment Configuration Text Values »
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