Here are some frequently referenced Patching Troubleshooting & How-to topics:
- Installing Fix Packs and Hotfixes on Liferay DXP
- Patching Management Best Practices
- Updating Plugins After Applying a Patch
- Checking for Collisions Before Installing a Hotfix
- Using the Patching Tool with Websphere
- Setting Up the Patching Tool in Weblogic
- Method to diff two Liferay Fix Packs
- Patching a Slim Bundle
- Patching a Liferay Cluster With No Down Time
- Patching Liferay Portal When There Are Custom Apps Installed
- Including Patching Tool Info With a Help Center Ticket
- Installing Fixes That Involve Updates to Database Tables
- How the Patching Tool Detects Changes to JSP Files
- Liferay Security Advisories
- Startup errors after installing a hotfix with DXP 7.1 Fix Pack 17
- Patching Tool 'WARNING: Some of the currently installed fixes are not available' after installing a new fixpack and hotfix received on June 2020
- "Problem with the configuration: Unknown release in folder ..." when patching the source code
- Patch Installation Slowdown Due to Windows Security
- Addressing the 'WARNING: Some of the currently installed fixes are not available' Patching-Tool Error
- Unresolved OAuth2 Issue with DXP 7.1 SP1 or SP2
- Known Issues: Liferay DXP 7.0 Fix Packs and Service Packs
- Liferay DXP 7.0 Important Fix Pack Changes
- Addressing the 'WARNING: Some of the currently installed fixes are not available' Patching-Tool Error
- NoClassDefFoundError thrown on PatchInconsistencyException when Service JAR is not patched correctly
- Installing a Patch Without Correctly Shutting Down Liferay Portal Corrupts the Portal Files
- Dockbar Display Error After Patch Installation With Patching Tool
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