Using Clay Mixins in Your Theme

Bourbon mixins are deprecated as of Liferay DXP 7.2 and will be removed in the next major release. We recommend you use Clay mixins instead. Follow these steps to use Clay mixins in your theme:

  1. Add the clay-css dependency to the theme’s package.json:

      "clay-css": "^2.18.0",
  2. Delete _imports.scss if you modified it.

  3. Import the library into the theme’s main.scss file:

    @import 'node_modules/clay-css/src/scss/atlas-variables'

    or import the base-variables if you want to use Clay Base instead:

    @import 'node_modules/clay-css/src/scss/base-variables'

Great! Now you know how to use Clay mixins in your theme!

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