From Liferay Portal 6 to 7
- Introduction to From Liferay Portal 6 to 7
- What Hasn't Changed and What Has
- Benefits of Liferay DXP 7.0 for Liferay Portal 6 Developers
- OSGi and Modularity for Liferay Portal 6 Developers
- Improved Developer Tooling: Liferay Workspace, Maven Plugins and More
- Planning Plugin Upgrades and Optimizations
- Upgrading Plugins to Liferay DXP 7.0
- Upgrading Your Development Environment
- Migrating Plugins SDK Projects to Liferay Workspace
- Upgrading Build Dependencies
- Fixing Upgrade Problems
- Resolving a Plugin's Dependencies
- Resolving Breaking Changes
- Upgrading Hook Plugins
- Upgrading Customization Modules
- Upgrading Core JSP Hooks
- Upgrading App JSP Hooks
- Upgrading Service Wrappers
- Upgrading Core Language Key Hooks
- Upgrading Portlet Language Key Hooks
- Upgrading Model Listener Hooks
- Upgrading Servlet Filter Hooks
- Upgrading Portal Property and Event Action Hooks
- Converting StrutsActionWrappers to MVCCommands
- Upgrading Themes
- Upgrading Your Theme from Liferay Portal 6.1 to 7.0
- Upgrading Your Theme from Liferay Portal 6.2 to 7.0
- Upgrading Layout Templates
- Upgrading Frameworks and Features
- Upgrading JNDI Data Source Usage