JSF Portlets with Liferay Faces
- Introduction to JSF Portlets with Liferay Faces
- Creating and Deploying JSF Portlets
- Understanding Liferay Faces Bridge
- Understanding Liferay Faces Portal
- Understanding Liferay Faces Alloy
- Understanding the Liferay Faces Version Scheme
- Specifying the portlet.xml File for Your JSF Portlet
- Using Portlet Preferences with JSF
- Giving Feedback to Users with Validation Messages
- Accessing the Portlet API with ExternalContext for JSF Portlets
- Localizing JSF Portlets
- Communicating Between JSF Portlets Using IPC
- Contexts and Dependency Injection for JSF Portlets
- Leveraging the Current Theme with Liferay Faces Portal
- Leveraging the Portal User's Locale with Liferay Faces Portal
- Dynamically Adding JSF Portlets to Liferay Portal
- Using PreDestroy and BridgePreDestroy Annotations with Liferay Faces Bridge
- Troubleshooting JSF Portlet Deployment Errors
- Migrating from Liferay Faces 3.1 to Liferay Faces 3.2/4.2
- Migrating From PortletFaces to Liferay Faces
- Building Liferay Faces From Source