Steps to reproduce:
1. Start Liferay 7.3 SP3.
2. Create a new blog entry.
3. Deploy the blog on the page.
4. Now, create a new Display Page Template. By navigating to Design > Page Templates > Display Page Templates.
5. Create a new entry for blogs.
6. Navigate to the page where blog entries were deployed.
7. Now, create a new entry and select the 'Specific Page Template' which we've created in Step 4 > Publish.
8. Click on the created blog and it'll navigate to the view of the Display page template.
9. Notice, the blog view count is not increasing.
Expected Result: The blog view count must be increased when the user selects the 'Specific Page Template' for viewing the blog.
Actual Result: The blog view count is not increasing when the user selects the 'Specific Page Template' for viewing the blog.
- Liferay DXP 7.3
- The observed behavior is a known issue/bug.
- If a hotfix is required for this issue, please create a support ticket requesting a hotfix by attaching patch details.
- Installing Fix Packs and Hotfixes on Liferay DXP will guide to installation of the hotfix in the respective environment.
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