- Duplicate entry error when switching from Hypersonic to MySQL using the setup wizard
Steps to reproduce
1) Start portal with hypersonic
2) In Setup Wizard, add as an email
3) Click to change the default database
4) Change database type to MySQL
5) Change username to root (or local MySQL username)
6) Add MySQL password
7) Click finish configuration
8) Restart portal
Expected Behavior: Portal is connected to MySQL without errors
Observed Behavior: The following error appears in the consoleLIFERAY_ERROR: HHH000315: Exception executing batch [java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Duplicate entry '' for key 'IX_A6DD0ECF'], SQL: insert into PortalPreferenceValue (mvccVersion, companyId, portalPreferencesId, index_, key_, largeValue, namespace, smallValue, portalPreferenceValueId) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[exec] LIFERAY_ERROR: Duplicate entry '' for key 'IX_A6DD0ECF'
- Liferay DXP 7.4
- The observed behavior is a known regression bug which is being addressed here: LPS-180393
Additional Information
- If a hotfix is required, please create a support ticket requesting the hotfix by attaching the patch details.
- Installing Fix Packs and Hotfixes on Liferay DXP will guide you to install the Fixpack/Hotfix in your environment.
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