Resources for Transitioning from Asset Publisher to Collections

Asset Publishers have been a mainstay of the Liferay product for as long as many of us can remember. Easily one of the most versatile tools that comes out of the box, Asset Publishers have given non-technical and technical users alike a series of configuration settings that equate to a (generic) selection criteria for content. As powerful as Asset Publisher has been, many have pushed it further, adding customizations, using Freemarker, and doing black magic with Liferay’s API’s to get it to achieve our business goals. Put down those Freemarker docs, take off that wizard hat, and start saving time and money because with Liferay 7.4 there is a new kid on the block – Collections.


To help you and your team understand the very practical applications for Collections and how they relate to how you may be using Asset Publisher, we're hosting a webinar on July 5th, 2023. At this event, you'll be able to sit down with a Liferay Technical Architect to walk through the ins and outs of Asset Publisher and Collections. This is a great opportunity to get a direct feature overview, ask questions, and get feedback on how Collections can meet your specific technical needs.

Sign up for the webinar here!


In case this is the first time you're hearing about Collections, we've got a handy video introducing the feature on Liferay DXP 7.4:

Finally, if you want to dive into learning more about these features before (or after!) the webinar, check out the rest of our content.


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