The maximum number of submissions allowed for this form has been reached


  • When uploading a new in a form submission the following message can appear for guest users: "The maximum number of submissions allowed for this form has been reached."


  • Liferay DXP 7.4
  • Quarterly Releases


  • The following items must be taken into consideration:
    • The maximum number can be incremented through System Settings > Forms > Guest Upload Maximum Submissions
    • The number is incremented taking into account the remote address, so if multiple guest users use the same Proxy, from the application server perspective they will be considered the same IP and the number of upload submissions will be incremented.
    • In the event that this error is present while using a Form linking an Object as a Storage type, you may need to configure the maximum number of guest entries per Object Definition as follows:
      • Please go to Instance Settings > Objects
      • Adjust the "Maximum Number of Guest Object Entries per Object Definition" to a higher value and save the settings.



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