Note: please note that Liferay has renamed its Liferay Experience
Could offerings to Liferay SaaS (formerly LXC) and
Liferay PaaS (formerly LXC-SM).
- When deploying to Liferay service, the following error is reported multiple times:
Apr 18, 08:25:34.395 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.410 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.425 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.440 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.454 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.470 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.485 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.500 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license Apr 18, 08:25:34.515 build-0001 [liferay-5fc65898b8-6dtsl] [dxp] INFO [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules][LicenseManager:?] Failed to find license files in directory /opt/liferay/data/license
- Liferay PaaS stack 5
- The error is happening because in stack 5, the Liferay service deletes all licenses in the cache to prevent any problems with older licenses.
- Please, update the Liferay service to image 5.2.1 or higher.
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