Updated Portal Property Default Values for Virtual Hosts

Note: please note that Liferay has renamed its Liferay Experience Could offerings to Liferay SaaS (formerly LXC) and Liferay PaaS (formerly LXC-SM).


  • Virtual Host defaults were changed from a wildcard value to secure default values.

    Previous Value:
    Updated Value:


  • Liferay DXP 2023.Q3+
  • Liferay DXP 7.4 Update 86+
  • Liferay DXP 7.3 Update 34+
  • This affects all who use the wildcard value with the virtual.hosts.valid.hosts portal property or do not have the property set in their portal-ext.properties file.


Liferay DXP

  • This is a breaking change documented here.
  • Please include the proper virtual hosts and addresses within the portal property in order to secure the environment:

Liferay PaaS

  • Ensure that you have deployed Liferay DXP image version 5.3.0+

Additional Information

  • LPE-17758
  • On Liferay PaaS, the new default property will prevent the readiness probe from succeeding. As a consequence, the liferay service deployment is going to time out unless you set virtual.hosts.valid.hosts=* in portal-ext.properties.
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