Liferay SaaS Shared Activities

Note: please note that Liferay has renamed its Liferay Experience Could offerings to Liferay SaaS (formerly LXC) and Liferay PaaS (formerly LXC-SM).

Below is a summary of various activities that are shared between your team and the Liferay Cloud team. If you need assistance in understanding or executing these tasks, submit a ticket and Liferay Support will be happy to assist.

Activity Liferay will... As a Customer, I should...
Provide and maintain the Liferay Cloud infrastructure Implement bug fixes, new features, and improvements for the Liferay Cloud Infrastructure and provide status updates for the Liferay Cloud Infrastructure at  
Deploy the Liferay Cloud Service Stack Deploy and maintain the default Liferay DXP, Enterprise Search, Database, CI Server, Web Server, Backup Services as well as Commerce and Analytics Cloud

Submit a ticket if service configurations are needed

Develop and implement customizations Provide features and tools to allow for development and deployment of customizations Develop and deploy custom solutions via Client Extensions
Upgrade software Update the Liferay Cloud Infrastructure, publish all the Service versions, and deploy new Services to customer environments Test application after maintenance windows
Monitor infrastructure Monitor the Liferay Cloud Infrastructure and provide monitoring tools for customer environments

Monitor custom solutions and submit a ticket in the event of an infrastructure issue

Autoscaling Provide Autoscaling functionality and leverage it to maintain customer environment uptime  
Backup and restore Perform regular backups and restore data in a disaster recovery event Submit a ticket to request backup downloads if needed
Security Report and resolve Sev 1 Security Vulnerabilities within the Liferay Cloud Service Stack and implement security and authentication best practices for infrastructure and Service Stack Implement security best practices for custom solutions


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