- During our upgrade process we are facing the following error:
INFO - Failed upgrade process com.liferay.portal.scheduler.quartz.internal.upgrade.v1_0_1.QuartzUpgradeProcess in 1 ms ERROR - Failed upgrade process for module com.liferay.portal.scheduler.quartz com.liferay.portal.kernel.upgrade.UpgradeException: invalid stream header: EFBFBDEF
- Liferay Quarterly Releases
- Stop the application server
Create a backup of all the tables that its name starts with
- Delete the content of quartz_cron_triggers, quartz_job_details and quartz_triggers tables executing:
DELETE FROM quartz_cron_triggers
DELETE FROM quartz_job_details
DELETE FROM quartz_triggers
- Start the application server and check if the problem persists.
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