Note: please note that Liferay has renamed its Liferay Experience
Could offerings to Liferay SaaS (formerly LXC) and
Liferay PaaS (formerly LXC-SM).
- Sometimes in the Overview page of the cloud console, the service will show as being Ready under Services, but will show "Deployment in progress..." under Activities
- Status may not change even after 3+ hours, despite deployments normally only taking ~10 minutes
- Why does this happen?
- Liferay PaaS
- There is a known bug which causes the UI to not show the service as Ready, despite successfully deploying. The team is currently looking to fix this issue.
- In this situation, as of May 2024, the only way to tell from the Cloud Console whether the deployment succeeded is by checking the Status logs to see that the following logs are not continuously output:
Readiness probe failed
Liveness probe failed
- If left alone for more than 4 hours, the status on the UI should correct itself via a background job, as described here: Clean previous deployments which are stuck in a "in progress" status
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