Backup doesn't have permissions to open the Document Library


  • Backups fail with these log messages:
rsync: [generator] opendir "/mnt/prepare-restore/document_library" failed: Permission denied (13)
cannot delete non-empty directory: document_library
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1333)


  • Paas
  • Backup Service Version 5.16.0+


  • This issue is caused by a security update that changed file ownership in the Backup Service Version 5.16.0 and above (see 03/28/2024 - Service Release Updates).
  • The ownership can be updated in the folder from the Shell using a command like:
    chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/liferay/data/
  • This procedure might take a while depending on the number of files in the document library.

Additional Information

  • With the security update, the Backup service performs actions as a non-privileged user for improved security.
  • Upon deployment, the Backup service automatically updates the permissions for the folder /opt/liferay/data, but the update is not recursive.
  • This can result in files structured like /opt/liferay/data/[folder]/document_library/[file] having incorrect permissions, making the Backup service unable to open them.



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