Checking for missing files in the Document Library as a result of File Store Migration


  • If Document Library files are missing after performing a File Store Migration, can the missing files be identified?



  • Liferay 7.4



  • The following Query may be able to check for what is missing from the Document Library
    • The logic is that the the path_ column in DLContent will always be the same as the name column in DLFileEntry
  • select DLFileEntry.fileEntryId, DLFileEntry.groupId, DLFileEntry.title, DLFileVersion.version 
    from DLFileVersion
    inner join DLFileEntry on DLFileVersion.fileEntryId = DLFileEntry.fileEntryId
    left outer join DLContent on = DLContent.path_ and CONCAT(CONCAT(DLFileVersion.version, '~'), DLFileVersion.storeUUID) = DLContent.version
    where DLContent.path_ is null;


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