- Getting multiple notifications in the workflow when clicking on the 'Done' button multiple times when assigning the task 'to me' or to the user in the slow network.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Start the server.
2. Create a multilevel workflow.
3. Navigate to the Site Menu > Configuration > Workflow > Assign the multilevel workflow to the web content.
4. Go to Content & Data > Web content > Create a web content > then click on 'submit for workflow'
5. Navigate to the 'Notification'
6. Now, change the network by inspecting and navigating to the 'Network and changing the throttling to good 3G or slow 3G.
7. Then click on the received notification and three dots in the right corner and click on 'Assign to' and select the user.
8. Write the comment and click on the 'Done' button.Expected Behaviour: When click on 'Assigned to me' or 'Assign to' and 'Done' button then it should assigned with a single click.
Observed Behaviour: When clicking on the 'Done' button multiple times (7-8 and sometimes more) and receiving the notifications multiple times(7-8) when signing in as a particular user.
- Liferay 2023.q4.4
- The observed behavior is a known bug addressed by the LPD-31858.
Additional Information
- If a hotfix is required, please create a support ticket requesting the hotfix by attaching the patch details.
- Installing Fix Packs and Hotfixes on Liferay DXP will guide you to install the Fixpack/Hotfix in your environment.