Unable to initialize bundle


  • Tomcat folder is missing after running blade gw initbundle command.
  • Steps to reproduce:
    1. blade init -v dxp-7.4-u102 liferay-workspace
    2. echo >> liferay-workspace/gradle.properties
    3. echo "liferay.workspace.bundle.url=https://releases-cdn.liferay.com/dxp/2023.q4.5/liferay-dxp-tomcat-2023.q4.5-1707312911.tar.gz" >> liferay-workspace/gradle.properties
    4. Run ./gradlew initBundle command.


  • Liferay DXP 7.4


  • This is a known bug, which has been addressed in workspace version 9.1.2. Hence, initialize a workspace with version 9.1.2.
    classpath(group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.gradle.plugins.workspace", version: "9.1.2")

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