Third-Party Technology Defects, Optimizations and Configurations

Elements of Liferay Digital Experience Platform, Liferay Portal EE, and Liferay Commerce ("the product") functionality are made possible by including third-party libraries or by integrating with third-party technology. Liferay seeks to resolve any reproducible and unintended behavior experienced with any third-party technologies included in the product if it impacts functionality intended to be included with the product.

Subscription Services can assist in diagnosing the root cause of an issue involving third-party technology tested as compatible (through the Compatibility Matrix or other support coverage), and may resolve any product defects in the product when the product is being used with compatible technology. Third-party technology that is not tested as compatible must communicate with the Liferay product through a standard or protocol that the product was designed to use. Product defects, in this case, may be resolved through implementing the standard or protocol.

Configurations and optimizations of third-party technologies may be necessary in order for third-party technologies to integrate with the product. The customer is responsible for the installation, configuration or optimization of any third-party technology.

Third-party technology vendors are responsible for resolving defects in their technology. Liferay Subscription Services can help direct you to the appropriate third-party technology vendor.

The customer is responsible for resolving any issues encountered while using the product with third-party technologies not tested as compatible. Subscription Services is not required to offer assistance in the installation, deployment or configuration of any interoperable technologies. For more information please see the Interoperable Technologies policy.

Included Third-party Software

Here is a list of Third-party software distributed with the product.

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