Analytics Cloud Support Coverage

Liferay is committed to providing an excellent customer experience. As part of this commitment, we offer free, limited support for Liferay Analytics Cloud that is separate from a customer's DXP support agreement. Our free support for Liferay Analytics Cloud is limited to the hours and channels outlined below.


Support Feature 90-Day Trial Basic
Business Enterprise
Official Documentation (Help Center) Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg
Knowledge Documentation
(Help Center)
Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg
Live Chat (Local Business Hours)*   Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg Checkmark.svg
Ticket Response Time

*Live Chat support subject to regional availability


Product Levels

There are four levels of Liferay Analytics Clouds subscriptions available to customers: 90-Day Trial, Basic, Business, and Enterprise. Our support policy may be different according to the customer's support level. The Basic Level is included with DXP 7.4 Subscriptions at no additional charge.

Support Channels

There are three main support channels to solve any issues you have with Liferay Analytics Cloud: self-service documentation, live chat, and ticketing. 

Documentation is available in Help Center and includes both official documents and knowledge base articles. Help Center documentation is always available to solve customer issues. Both are available to all Liferay Analytics Cloud customers. Knowledge base articles will be continually added for customer reference.

Live Chat is available directly from the Liferay Analytics Cloud product for Basic customers and above. It will be made available during local business hours, based on language. If live chat is not available in the customer language, Liferay Support will notify the customer.

Ticketing is available in Help Center for each customer and response times vary based on the customer's subscription level(Service Levels). If the customer has the Basic Level, the ticket response time is equivalent to the response time of the customer's DXP subscription. Otherwise, it is separate and can differ from the DXP ticket response times.

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