Liferay Portal includes a workflow engine called Kaleo Designer for Java. Kaleo allows portal administrators to set up workflows for their organization’s needs; the workflow calls users to participate in processes designed for them. Kaleo workflows, called process definitions, are essentially XML documents. Kaleo supports a host of XML element types to trigger decisive actions in your business process instances. You can fine tune the logic of your process definition by incorporating scripts and templates. The Kaleo Forms EE app from Marketplace includes Liferay’s Kaleo Workflow Designer that lets you create and modify portal workflows in your browser. With Kaleo Designer for Java, you can design and publish Kaleo workflows from Liferay Developer Studio!
Figure 10.17: Kaleo Designer for Java gives you a powerful environment for designing, modifying, and publishing Kaleo workflows.
Kaleo Designer for Java lets you incorporate back end Java development and scripting in your workflows. Its graphical interface lets you drag and drop nodes into your workflow. A shortcut on each node gives you easy access to the node’s XML, letting you edit its current implementation to make subtle modifications or inject new business logic. In addition, Liferay Developer Studio comes bundled with a Java/Groovy editor (made available by Spring Source), giving you the same rich editing experience you’re accustomed in editing Kaleo Groovy scripts. From the editor you can delegate workflow decisions to your custom business logic APIs or access any of the Liferay Portal APIs. In Developer Studio, you can leverage editors for Beanshell, Drl, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby scripting languages. You can leverage editors for FreeMarker and Velocity template languages too. Kaleo Designer for Java gives you a rich tool set for creating/editing workflows, manipulating workflow nodes, and implementing business logic. But there’s more!
With Kaleo Designer for Java, you can remotely add and update workflow definitions directly to and from your Liferay server. You can publish your workflow drafts to your portal by simply dragging the workflow file onto your portal server in Developer Studio’s Servers tab. The Servers tab shows workflows you’ve published from studio and gives you access to workflows already published on the portal server. You can edit existing workflows and create custom business logic in Developer Studio locally, then republish them on your portal; you don’t have to navigate back and forth from your portal and Developer Studio to complete these tasks. As you can see, Kaleo Designer for Java is a powerful application for creating, modifying, and publishing workflows in Liferay Developer Studio.
To use Kaleo Designer for Java, install the Kaleo Forms EE app from Liferay
Marketplace. The app includes three plugins–kaleo-forms-portlet
, and kaleo-web
Here’s how to download and install Kaleo Forms EE:
Go to Liferay Marketplace.
Click on EE Marketplace in the left navigation area.
Download and install the Kaleo Forms EE app.
After downloading and installing the Kaleo Forms EE application, restart the Liferay Server and a Kaleo Workflows folder automatically appears underneath the server instance in the Servers view of Developer Studio.
Figure 10.18: In Studio's *Servers* view, your server's Kaleo Workflows folder shows workflows published on your portal.
Developer Studio retrieves all workflow definitions published on your portal server. As mentioned previously, the Kaleo Designer for Java lets you remotely add and update Kaleo workflow definitions directly to and from the portal server. The Single Approver workflow comes already installed with the Kaleo app.
To open a workflow, double click it in the Kaleo Workflows folder. This retrieves the workflow definition from the Liferay server so you can edit it in Developer Studio.
Next, let’s get into the flow (pun intended) by creating our own workflow using the Kaleo Workflow Designer for Java.
Creating a workflow
Developer Studio makes it easy for you to write custom business logic that enhances Kaleo workflows. Let’s create our own workflow in Developer Studio and highlight features from Kaleo Designer for Java (Designer) along the way.
To demonstrate Designer’s features, let’s create a workflow definition for a software ticketing process. Are you ready to roll? Let’s get started!
Figure 10.19: Check out the adventures of Liferay's mascots, Ray and Alloy, found at
Create your new workflow definition by going to File → New → Liferay Kaleo Workflow. Alternatively, you can select Liferay Kaleo Workflow from the toolbar button shown in the figure below.
Figure 10.20: Create a new workflow definition locally by selecting *Liferay Kaleo Workflow* from the toolbar button.
The Create New Kaleo Workflow File wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to complete the initial setup of your new workflow definition.
The first window you’ll see is the Create Kaleo Workflow form. There are several fields here:
Project: Specify an existing Liferay project to house your workflow definition.
Folder: Specify where in the project the workflow definition XML file will be stored.
Name: Give your workflow definition a descriptive name. We’ve chosen Ticket Process for our example.
Initial state name and Final state name: Name your workflow’s initial and final state nodes.
Default script type: Choose a default script type; Designer will bring its editor up when you’re done creating the workflow.
Default template type: Choose a default template editor; Designer will open it when you’re done creating the workflow.
The snapshot below displays the setup menu for our ticket process workflow definition.
When you’re finished in this window click Next.
You’ll be directed to the Choose Assignment Type window next. Here you’ll provide an Initial task name, then choose an assignment type from the list of options.
For our workflow example, select Assign to asset creator and name the task
. When our workflow’sDeveloper
task is invoked, the creator of the workflow’s asset is assigned to it. In Liferay Portal, each Kaleo workflow is associated with an asset type. Later in our exercise, we’ll associate our workflow with a Dynamic Data List (DDL).Figure 10.21: When choosing an assignment type for a task node, you are given multiple options.
Click Finish to complete the initial setup of our workflow definition.
Your workflow appears as a workflow diagram, letting you interact with your workflow graphically. Graphical features and toolbars allow you to customize your workflow definition. The Palette view is one of Designer’s most commonly used tools. Let’s explore it next.
Palette and Floating Palette
The Palette lets you graphically customize your workflow with nodes and transitions. In addition, you can choose different behaviors for your mouse pointer.
Figure 10.22: The palette toolbar lets you customize your workflow with additional nodes and transitions.
Here are your pointer options:
- Select: The default pointer setting used for selecting options on the workflow diagram by clicking the icon.
- Marquee: Used for drawing an invisible selection box around multiple icons. This is useful when you want to manipulate multiple nodes and/or transitions on the workflow diagram.
Transitions connect one node to another. On exiting the first node, processing follows the transition to the node it points to. Selecting a Transition turns your pointer into a connector; you connect the starting end of a transition to one node and the other end to the next node in your process.
In addition to Start and End node types, there are five node types you can use in your workflow:
- Condition: Directs workflow execution to an appropriate transition based on conditional logic of the node’s script.
- Fork: Forks the workflow execution into two parallel threads.
- Join: Joins parallel workflow threads.
- State: Represents a workflow state.
- Task: Represents a task that can be assigned.
Drag and drop any nodes you need onto your workflow diagram. Each node type supports execution of scripted actions and sending notifications that can use templates. For additional information on the node types, refer to the Kaleo Designer section of Using Liferay Portal.
For our ticket-process-definition
workflow diagram, we have a simple
State node, followed by the Developer
Task node, followed by
the EndNode
State node. There are two transitions, from StartNode
and from Developer
→ EndNode
We want a developer to approve his fix and send it for quality assurance to QA, where it must pass testing by a QA engineer. Then it’ll go to QA Management, where it must be approved by a QA manager. Let’s use a Fork node to accurately depict these parallel approval tasks.
Drag and drop a Fork node onto your workflow diagram. A wizard helps you create your node. Click the green plus symbol to select new or existing nodes to process in parallel threads. A drop-down menu gives you options to select tasks to be done in your fork threads. In addition, a checkbox lets you indicate whether to automatically add a corresponding join node to your workflow.
Figure 10.23: You can select what to fork and whether to automatically create a join node.
On finishing your fork node in the wizard, Kaleo Designer places your new nodes onto the workflow diagram’s canvas. If you’re not happy with the location of your new nodes, drag them to place them where you want on your canvas. Our ticket process workflow now looks something like this:
Figure 10.24: After creating the fork and join nodes, you can reposition them to your liking.
Why is there a red “X” in the bottom left of multiple nodes within our workflow? These are error markers! Errors indicate something is specified incorrectly or is missing from your nodes. Hover your pointer over each error marker; Developer Studio displays hints on resolving each problem. Don’t worry, we’ll address these error markers momentarily.
Hovering your pointer over a node brings up a floating palette; use it to make quick, convenient customizations to a node.
The floating palette has several features you can use:
- Add (green cross): Add an action or notification on the node. To edit the added action or notification, bring up Designer’s Properties view.
- Edit Actions (paper with arrow): Edit the node’s existing actions.
- Edit Notifications (envelope): Edit existing notifications on the node.
- Edit Script (pencil): Edit the script of the condition node. This feature only applies to the condition node.
- Change Assignments (person): Assign or reassign a task. This feature only applies to the Task node type.
- Delete (red “X”): Delete the node.
- Show in Source (paper with folded corner and arrow): Show the node specified as as a model element in the workflow definition’s XML source and switches the main editor to Source mode.
- Start Transition (black arrow): Change the pointer to transition mode letting you create a workflow transition from the current node to another node.
Obviously, there is still work to be done in our workflow definition. We have multiple error markings and the fork and join nodes aren’t connected to anything. Let’s change the assignments for our two new task nodes, QA and QA Management, by clicking the Change Assignments icon from the floating palette for each node. The Choose Assignment Type menu appears for each node, letting you choose their assignment type. After we assign the QA and QA Management task nodes, the error markers disappear.
For our ticket process
workflow’s QA tasks, let’s assign someone other than
the asset creator. Realistically, each of these tasks would be assigned to
different site roles. For simplicity, lets assign both the QA and QA Management
tasks to the same user. If you have a user in mind, specify that user.
Otherwise, create a user named “Joe Bloggs” with screen name “joe”. For the user
to receive emails, he must be registered within Liferay Portal. If you haven’t
registered Joe Bloggs (“joe”) already, see the Adding
section of Using Liferay Portal for instructions. To configure the user’s
email, login to the user’s account and visit Control Panel → Server
Administration → Mail for setup options.
Select the Change Assignments icon from the floating palette for each QA task node. Then, select Assign to a specific user from the Choose Assignment Type menu and click Next. You have options to enter the user’s User-id, Screen name, or Email address. Enter the user’s screen name and click Finish.
Figure 10.25: Designer lets you assign a task to a specific user of Liferay Portal.
Assigning the QA and QA Management task nodes resolved their error markings (no more red “X”!). The join node’s error marking won’t disappear until you connect the join node to another task.
While we’re using Designer’s Workflow Diagram, let’s go over some of its features.
Workflow Diagram Features
Developer Studio provides you with additional features within the workflow diagram. Below we list some of these features; they can greatly enhance your workflow designing experience.
Workflow Diagram Actions are available via the toolbar in the upper right corner of the Workflow Diagram:
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Zoom Actual
- Save as Image
These toolbar icons are shown in the figure below.
More Workflow Diagram Actions are accessible by right clicking on the Workflow Diagram’s canvas:
- The Layout feature lets you arrange nodes vertically or horizontally, so it’s easy to organize your workflow quickly without having to touch a node.
- The Rename feature lets you rename a node or transition; select by double clicking its current name and typing in a new name.
- The Surveyor’s Level feature helps you center a node, vertically or horizontally, with respect to another node.
You’ve probably noticed the Properties and Outline views below your workflow diagram. Let’s explore them next.
Properties View and Outline View
The Properties and Outline views contain more cool features you can use to customize your workflow; they’re located on the bottom and bottom right of Developer Studio, respectively.
The Properties view lets you edit the current node’s properties. If no node is selected or you select the workflow canvas, the Properties view displays your workflow’s general properties; you can edit these, too. Once you click on an individual node, its properties appear.
Node properties are grouped as follows:
- Actions: Execute scripts with respect to your node. Each action has a Name, Script Language, Execution Type, and a Priority (optional). Clicking Edit Script brings up the script in the default editor for the Script Language you specified.
- Notifications: Notify users with respect to your node. Each notification has a Name, Template Language, Execution Type, and one or more Notification Types.
- Assignments: Assign tasks to users or roles. Click Change Task Assignments to specify or change the assignment.
- Task Timers: Name timers for a task and whether the timers are blocking. Each task timer has a Name and Blocking indicator.
- Script: Edit a script for your condition node. Clicking Edit Script brings up the script in the default editor for the Script Language you specified.
- Other: Edit miscellaneous properties like Name and Description, applicable to your node’s type.
Here’s what the Properties view looks like in Developer Studio:
Figure 10.26: The Properties view gives you multiple sub-tabs to help customize your workflow nodes.
Workflows frequently become too large to view in entirety on the workflow diagram screen; the Outline view is a huge asset when this happens. It’s a top level view that displays your entire workflow definition, no matter how large it becomes. In addition, it highlights what you’re currently viewing on your Workflow diagram, giving you a picture of where you’re located in the broader picture of your workflow. You can use the Outline view to change your position in the Workflow Diagram by dragging the highlighted box where you’d like to focus.
Developer Studio’s Properties and Outline views make customizing your workflow easier than ever! Developer Studio also offers a convenient way to edit your workflow scripts, which is our next topic.
Using Workflow Scripts
You can use Developer Studio to edit workflow scripts; it recognizes multiple script languages, so you can choose one you’re comfortable with. Developer Studio provides you many script editing features so you can quickly implement business logic in your workflows.
Developer Studio supports several script languages:
- Beanshell
- Drl
- Groovy
- JavaScript
- Python
- Ruby
Let’s dive back into our software ticket
workflow definition and create a
script. It’s not guaranteed that every ticket submitted has a resolution. If the
issue was due to a silly user error, there’s no reason to change the product. In
such cases the developer will resolve the ticket and indicate there is no
resolution in the product (i.e., no modifications are were made). Regardless,
we’ll have the developer fill out an online Dynamic Data List (DDL) form to
initiate a workflow for each of her tickets. Once the workflow is invoked, its
associated DDL record is accessible from our workflow’s context. Let’s use a
condition node to handle the ticket based on the DDL record.
To set up the workflow process we described above, we’ll need to add a Condition node and two transitions.
Drag and drop a Condition node onto your workflow diagram. A Create New Condition Node menu should appear.
Name the node Resolution.
Choose a script language for the condition node. Select Groovy and you’ll see how easy it is to embed Java code. In our Groovy script, we’ll access the DDL record to determine whether the ticket warrants a modification to the product. If it does, we’ll assign it to a developer via the Developer task node. Otherwise we’ll end the workflow by transitioning to the workflow’s EndNode.
From the Create New Condition Node menu, add two transitions–one to the Developer node and the other to the EndNode state. We’ll add the transition to the Developer node first.
Click the green plus sign and select the transition icon from its menu. An entry for the transition appears in the named list of Condition transitions.
Click the browse icon in the entry and select the Developer node.
Add a transition to the EndNode state in the same manner that added the transition to the Developer node in the previous step.
Click Finish.
Here’s a snapshot of the Create New Condition Node menu configured for the ticket process workflow.
Figure 10.27: When creating a condition node, you can set your preferred script language, name, and condition transitions.
Before adding a script to our condition node, let’s make some changes to our workflow transitions:
- Add a transition from the Developer task node to the Pass To QA fork node.
- Add a transition from the StartNode state node to the Resolution condition node.
- Delete the transition that currently connects the StartNode state node to the Developer task node.
To add a transition from one node to another, do the following:
Click the transition icon from the palette. Your pointer’s icon shows as a plug indicating you are in connector mode.
Select a node on your workflow diagram from which the transition will start. A dotted line appears with one end connected to the selected node and the other end following your pointer.
Select a node to which the transition will end. The dotted line changes into a fixed ray with the arrow pointing to the transition’s end node.
To exit connector mode, hit Escape on your keyboard and click your pointer at empty space in your workflow diagram.
You may notice the error marking on the condition node. When you hover over the marking, a hint indicates a script must be specified for the node.
Open the script editor for your Resolution condition node by doing one of the following:
- Select the node and click Edit Script from the Script tab of the Properties view.
- Click the Edit Script tool from the node’s floating palette.
- Right-click the node and select Edit Script.
We set our default script language to Groovy, so the Java/Groovy editor appears.
To learn more about the Groovy editor, see the Groovy User
Guide. If you set the script language to
another language, the editor for that specific language appears. The editor runs
in the context of editing the specific node you selected. Anything you type in
the script editor for this condition node is written inside the
tags for the <condition/>
element that represents our node
in our workflow definition’s XML file (in our case,
The Palette view is much different from when you were working in the workflow diagram; it’s associated with your Java/Groovy script editor now and includes folders containing the following entities for your script:
- Context Variables
- Dynamic Data Lists
- Roles
- Scripts
- Status Updates
You can expand and collapse a folder by clicking its name bar.
Here’s a snapshot of the palette with the Context Variables folder open:
Figure 10.28: Each script editor is associated with a palette that contains helpful snippets of code you can insert.
Drag and drop an entity from your palette onto your Java/Groovy editor and code representing that entity appears in the editor. The inserted code is free of compile errors and warnings because the editor is running in the context of Liferay Portal. All of the Liferay Portal APIs are available to you. In the editor you can invoke code-assist and access built in Kaleo workflow variables.
Let’s get the DDL record that’s being worked on in our workflow process. We’ll
need the serviceContext
entity, under Context Variables
in the palette. To
learn more about Service Context and its parameters, see the Service
section of this guide.
Let’s use Designer’s palette features in conjunction with our Java/Groovy editor to implement our condition:
Drag and drop the serviceContext entity from the Context Variables folder in your palette onto the script editor. This grabs the Service Context.
Drag and drop the ddlRecord entity from the Dynamic Data Lists folder in your palette onto the script editor. We get the
from the Service Context and use that ID to look up the DDL record via Liferay service utilityDDLRecordLocalServiceUtil
Append the following Java code to the DDLRecordLocalServiceUtil
Field field = ddlRecord.getField("status");
String status = GetterUtil.getString(field.getValue());
if (status.contains("not")) {
returnValue = "No"
else {
returnValue = "Yes"
We’re pulling out the status from the DDL record and returning a value indicating “Yes” to continue fixing the ticket issue or “No” to transition to the workflow’s end state.
Add the following to the script’s imports to finish things up:
Now the script accurately implements the condition logic we want. As a reminder,
all of the code was injected into our workflow’s XML file within the
element that represents our condition node.
Here’s a snapshot of our current ticket process workflow after inserting the condition node:
Figure 10.29: The ticket process workflow after inserting the condition node.
We need to create a valid DDL record to invoke this workflow properly. If you’re thinking “How do we set up a DDL record?” or “How does this DDL record thingy work?”, you’re on the right track. If you’re jumping up and down screaming “Liferay is da bomb!” We welcome your reaction, too. Regardless, we’ll address DDLs soon in the Configuring a DDL record section of this chapter.
Next let’s create a custom notification and write a template for it using a template editor.
Leveraging Template Editors for Notifications
Designer lets you leverage FreeMarker and Velocity editors to customize templates for your workflow notifications. A FreeMarker editor comes bundled with Developer Studio. To edit Velocity templates, you’ll need to install an editor. Don’t worry, Developer Studio makes it easy, and we’ll show you how.
Add-on: Install Velocity Editor Support
Liferay Developer Studio comes with additional add-on support for editing Velocity template notifications in the Kaleo Designer for Java. To use this feature go to the Developer Studio 1.6 customer page, navigate to the Add-on: Install Velocity Editor Support section, and download the Liferay Developer Studio Velocity update site zip file and install it. You can follow these steps:
From Liferay Developer Studio, Click Help → Install New Software…
Click Add…
Click Archive.
Browse to the downloaded update site zip file and select it.
Click OK to close the Add Repository dialog.
Expand the added repository and check the Liferay Developer Studio Velocity feature.
Uncheck the option Contact all update sites…
Click Next to progress through the wizard.
After reading and accepting the license agreement, click Finish.
Restart Liferay Developer Studio to complete the install.
When you edit a notification template set to the Velocity type, the template opens in the Velocity editor (a small “v” icon is in the left side of the editor’s tab).
Creating Notifications
To access the template editors, click on the node of your choice and select the Notifications sub-tab in the Properties view. Create a new notification by clicking the green “plus” symbol.
Figure 10.30: When creating a notification, Developer Studio offers several options, like choosing a template language.
There are several fields to fill in for your notification:
- Name
- Template Language
- Execution Type
- Notification Type
- Notification Transports
- Addresses
Click the pencil icon to open the editor associated with your notification’s template language. Like the script editor, the template editor’s Palette view lists entities that you can drag and drop onto your workflow diagram.
Because Developer Studio lets you leverage full featured template editors like FreeMarker or Velocity, content-assist is available for you to use right away. For example, if you are using the FreeMarker editor, content-assist suggests FreeMarker functions when you are editing your notification template. In addition, when you’re doing a FreeMarker variable insertion, the editor gives you all the available variables that are a part of the Kaleo workflow. You can visit the documentation pages for FreeMarker and Velocity for more information on the variables and functions available in these template languages.
Let’s continue editing our ticket process workflow. After completion of the QA task assignments, our Project Management team should be notified. To set up a notification email, we’ll add a new task node that transitions from our join node. This new task node will hold our email notification. Typically, we’d assign this task to a project management role and email it to the project management team’s email alias. For demonstration purposes, we’ll use “Joe Blogs” for both purposes. As mentioned previously, you can specify an existing user that has an email or create a user with screen name “joe” having your email address. This process is similar to how we assigned our previous task nodes.
Drag a new Task node onto your workflow diagram.
Name the new node Project Management and select Assign to a specific user.
Click Next.
Enter Screen name “joe”.
Click Finish.
Now we just need to incorporate the Project Management node into our workflow process. Add a transition named Passed QA from our join node to the Project Management node. Lastly, add a transition named Completed from our Project Management node to our EndNode. Here’s an updated screenshot of what your workflow diagram should look like:
Figure 10.31: Our workflow diagram is busy now; but we're not finished yet!
Let’s create our email notification for our Project Management task node next. Click on the Project Management node and select Notifications in the Properties window.
To create the email notification, follow these steps:
Click the green “plus” symbol to create a new notification.
In the Name text field, enter “ticket process email”.
Select FreeMarker from the Template Language drop-down menu.
Select On entry from the Execution type drop-down menu.
Select email under Notification transports.
Now open the FreeMarker template editor by clicking the pencil icon beneath the green “plus” symbol.
Insert FreeMarker code into the FreeMarker editor to specify your email notification template. We’ve provided an example email notification code snippet written in FreeMarker.
<#assign comments = taskComments!"">
<#assign portalURL = serviceContext.portalURL!"">
<#assign wTasksURL = portalURL+"/group/control_panel/manage?p_p_id=153&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&doAsGroupId="+groupId+"&refererPlid=">
<!-- email body -->
<p> There is a new submission of ${entryType} waiting for review in the workflow. </p>
<!-- personal message to assignee -->
<p> Please review the code waiting for you in your workflow tasks.
<#if comments != "" > <br/> Assignment comment says: <strong>${comments}</strong> </#if>
<p> <a href="${wTasksURL}">Click here</a> to see workflow tasks assigned to you. </p>
<!-- signature -->
<p>Sincerely,<br /><strong>Liferay Portal Workflow</strong></p>
The snapshot below illustrates what the snippet sends to the configured email recipient.
Figure 10.32: This is how the email notification will appear when it's received.
Your email notification is set up! Now, when the Project Management task node is activated in the workflow, the specified user (i.e. joe) will receive the notification email, all dressed up with your FreeMarker template (you might say it’s all dressed up with somewhere to go).
With template editors, customizing your notification templates is easier than ever. FreeMarker comes bundled with Developer Studio so it’s obviously the simplest solution, but you can create Velocity templates just as easy by using the Velocity editor you installed.
In the next section you’ll see a list of workflow and service context content you can use when creating a customized script or template.
Workflow Context and Service Context Variables
A context variable provides a uniform variable to insert into your templates and scripts. When executed, a context variable is automatically deleted and replaced with the value pertaining to that key. When you create notifications for a workflow, assign Liferay Portal context variables for a cleaner and more efficient process. With context variables, your notifications become more customizable, rather than following the same format for every recipient. The context variables you declare in your notifications refer to your Liferay instance and the values it holds for your declarations.
Below you’ll see tables listing numerous context variables and service context
content. The context variables are the first table, followed by the service
context content for web content, blog entries, and message board messages. We’ve
separated service context content from the workflow context variables because
service context keys depend on asset type, while context variables don’t. Also,
note the asterisks (*
); they’re used to flag context variables that depend on
workflow activity.
Workflow Context Variables
Key | Type | Description |
—- | —- | ———– |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the company |
| java.lang.String | Class name for entry used by the task (e.g. com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the entry class |
| java.lang.String | Type of entry used by the task (e.g. Web Content, Blog Entry, MB Message) |
| java.lang.string | Primary key of the assigned group |
| java.lang.String | Workflow comments assigned to the task |
| java.lang.String | Workflow task that activates the notification (e.g. review) |
| java.lang.String | Name of transition pointing to the task (e.g. approve) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the assigned user |
Web Content Service Context Variables - obtain via key serviceContext
Key | Type | Description |
—- | —- | ———– |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the web content |
| java.lang.String | Link to the web content in maximized mode |
| java.lang.String | Primary keys of the asset entries linked to the web content |
| java.lang.String | Primary keys of the asset link search container |
| java.lang.String | Tag names applied the asset |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether an article ID is generated (e.g. false) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the class name used by the task |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the model entity |
| java.lang.String | Content of the web content |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the default language (e.g. en_US) |
| java.lang.String | Description of the web content (in English) |
| java.lang.String | Calendar day the web content is set to display (e.g. 12) |
| java.lang.String | Hour the web content is set to display (e.g. 4) |
| java.lang.String | Minute the web content is set to display (e.g. 26) |
| java.lang.String | Month the web content is set to display (e.g. 5) |
| java.lang.String | Year the web content is set to display (e.g. 2012) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the organization associated with the web content |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the web content’s folder |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the web content is searchable (e.g. true) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the Searchable checkbox is checked (e.g. false) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether permission options are viewable (e.g. true) |
| java.lang.String | Role type that has permission to view web content (e.g. Site Member) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the selected language (e.g. en_US) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the Localizable checkbox is selected (e.g. false) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the web content is set to expire (e.g. true) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the Never Auto Expire checkbox is checked (e.g. false) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the web content is set to review (e.g. true) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the Never Review checkbox is checked (e.g. false) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the page hosting the web content |
| java.lang.String | Indicates whether a small image is being used (e.g. on) |
| java.lang.String | URL for the web content’s attached image |
| java.lang.String | Description of the configured structure |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the configured structure |
| java.lang.String | Name of the configured structure |
| java.lang.String | The XML schema definition used for the configured structure |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the configured template |
| java.lang.String | Title of the web content (in English) |
| java.lang.String | Categorization type associated with the web content (e.g. Press Release) |
| java.lang.String | Custom variable name set for the web content’s configured structure (e.g. Content) |
| java.lang.String | Current version of the web content (e.g. 1.0) |
| java.lang.String | Numerical value for the workflow action in progress (e.g. 1) |
Blog Entry Service Context Variables - obtain via key serviceContext
Key | Type | Description |
—- | —- | ———– |
| java.lang.String | Primary keys of the asset entries linked to the blog entry |
| java.lang.String | Primary keys of the asset entries linked to the blog entry |
| java.lang.String | Tag names applied the asset (e.g. history, news, programming) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating if blog entry has any attachments (e.g. true) |
| java.lang.String | Content of the blog entry |
| java.lang.String | Description of the blog entry (e.g. The comparison between two Fortune 500 companies) |
| java.lang.String | Time “period” (based on the 12-hour clock) the blog entry is set to display (AM=0, PM=1) |
| java.lang.String | Calendar day the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 3) |
| java.lang.String | Hour the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 26) |
| java.lang.String | Minute the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 32) |
| java.lang.String | Month the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 8) |
| java.lang.String | Year the blog entry is set to display (e.g 2012) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the organization associated with the blog entry |
| java.lang.String | Content of the blog entry (equivalent to the content
value) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the blog entry |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the page hosting the blog entry |
| java.lang.String | Indicates whether a small image is being used (e.g. on) |
| java.lang.String | URL for the blog entry’s attached image |
| java.lang.String | Title of the blog entry (e.g. My Blog Entry) |
| java.lang.String | Numerical value for the workflow action in progress (e.g. 2) |
Message Board Message Service Context Variables - obtain via key serviceContext
Key | Type | Description |
—- | —- | ———– |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating if message is anonymous (e.g. true) |
| java.lang.String | Primary keys of the asset entries linked to the message |
| java.lang.String | Primary keys of the asset link search container |
| java.lang.String | Tag names applied the asset (e.g. sea, sailing, swimming) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating whether the message has any attachments (e.g. false) |
| java.lang.String | Content of the message |
| java.lang.String | Content of the message (equivalent to the body
value) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the message’s category |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the message |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the message’s parent message |
| java.lang.Boolean | Boolean variable indicating if message is available to preview (e.g. true) |
| java.lang.String | Boolean variable indicating if message is marked as a question (e.g. false) |
| java.lang.String | Subject line of the message (e.g. My MB Subject) |
| java.lang.String | Primary key of the message board thread hosting the message |
| java.lang.String | Numerical value for the workflow action in progress (e.g. 3) |
Next you’ll learn how to view your workflow definition XML file in Developer Studio.
Viewing workflow definition XML source
The workflow diagram view of your workflow definition is convenient; sometimes you’ll also want to edit and review your workflow definition’s XML source code. Selecting the Source tab next to the Diagram tab in the main editor view takes you to the XML, and you can easily switch contexts as you need.
Figure 10.33: Feel free to switch between *Diagram* and *Source* modes of your workflow editor in Kaleo Designer for Java.
Source mode offers you its own cool features:
- Section Highlighting: Shows XML source code for the node or transition currently selected in the workflow diagram. Click the document icon in an entity’s floating palette or right click the entity and select Show in source.
- Editor Validation: Displays an error marking in the editor’s gutter if your code is invalid. Click the error marking to see hint for resolving the error.
- Content Assist: Suggests language specific functions and variables as you edit code. When you’re inserting variables, it also lists all available variables that are a part of the Kaleo workflow.
With the Source view, you can keep track of your edits while using Developer Studio’s powerful graphical features.
Let’s save your workflow definition and publish it to your Liferay server.
Publishing workflows to the server
After you create a new workflow or modify an existing one, you’ll have to
publish it onto your Liferay server before your site’s members can use it. Let’s
publish the ticket process
workflow definition onto your Liferay server.
To publish your ticket process
workflow definition:
Right-click the Kaleo Workflows folder listed under your Liferay server in the Servers view.
Select Upload new workflow… to bring up the workspace files browser.
Browse for your workflow definition file and select it for publishing.
Alternatively, you can publish your new workflow XML file by dragging it from your Package Explorer view onto your Liferay server in your Servers view.
You probably understand why it’s necessary to publish new workflow definitions onto the Liferay server; it might be less clear why you need to republish existing workflow definitions that you’ve modified. When you save changes to a workflow, they’re not immediately available in your portal; it’s still using the previous version of the workflow. Developer Studio saves the workflow as a draft, so you can work on multiple iterations of the same version until you’re ready to publish your changes. Once you publish, you now have a new version to make changes on top of. For example, you might be working on Version 1 of your workflow definition; as you make changes, you save them in multiple drafts. When you are finished with all of your changes, you publish the workflow triggering creation of a new version (Version 2) of the workflow. The new version is made available on the server immediately for your workflow administrators to associate with asset publications, DDLs, and with Kaleo Forms.
Unlike other Java editors, Developer Studio lets you test your workflow definition as a draft. You can also publish your workflow definition straight to Liferay Portal for quick and easy configuration.
Are you ready for our Kaleo Designer for Java finale? You just have to activate the workflow in your Liferay Portal, then we’ll set up the DDL record and try out our new workflow. Let’s activate!
Using workflows in Liferay Portal
Let’s put some finishing touches on your workflow and test drive it in Liferay Portal. Before you can use a workflow definition, it must be activated in your Liferay Portal. Navigate to the Control Panel and select Workflow. Then, in the Definitions tab, click on the Actions button and select Activate.
A workflow definition can be associated with publication of an asset or DDL record. Let’s associate our ticket process workflow definition with a DDL record that lets a developer indicate whether she’ll fix a ticket’s issue. You can find detailed instructions for creating a DDL by visiting the section Defining data types in Using Liferay Portal. We’ll demonstrate how easy it is.
Using DDLs with workflows
Let’s associate our workflow with a Dynamic Data List (DDL) record. To learn more about DDLs, visit Using Web Forms and Dynamic Data Lists in Using Liferay Portal.
First we’ll create a data definition that lets the user select a status value.
In Liferay Portal, go to Control Panel → Dynamic Data Lists.
Click the Manage Data Definitions link, then Add a new data definition.
In the Fields tab, drag and drop the Select field onto the canvas.
Figure 10.34: Creating data definitions for your DDL is a snap with Liferay's graphical drag and drop interface.
In the Settings tab, double click the Name property to open the property editor–enter status as the value.
Edit the Options setting; give your status field option values of
with label “Fix” andnot
with label “Do not fix”. -
Click Save.
Recall the code we inserted for our condition node:
Field field = ddlRecord.getField("status");
String status = GetterUtil.getString(field.getValue());
if (status.contains("not")) {
returnValue = "No"
else {
returnValue = "Yes"
In our code, the getField()
method ingests the value of our DDL field named
“status”. When the script is invoked, if the value for the status field is
, the value No is returned and our workflow transitions to our EndNode
state. Otherwise, the workflow transitions to our Developer task node.
After you create the data definition, make sure you select the ticket process workflow for our new Kaleo Forms process to use. Save the DDL.
Now our DDL is set for use inside our ticket process workflow! Let’s use the Kaleo Forms portlet to test our new workflow definition!
Using Kaleo Forms to run workflows
Let’s use the Kaleo Forms portlet to invoke our workflow from Liferay Portal. Deploy the Kaleo Forms portlet to your portal and add it to a page on your site. You can learn how to use Kaleo Forms in the Kaleo Forms section of Using Liferay Portal; we’ll demonstrate its use here by using it with our ticket process workflow.
Create a new Process in Kaleo Forms; name it Ticket Process.
Select the status data definition we created earlier.
Add an Initial Form based on our status data definition.
Select our ticket process workflow.
Leave Workflow Task Forms unassigned for our demonstration.
Figure 10.35: To test the ticket process workflow, create a new Kaleo Forms *Process*--provide a name, entry definition, and workflow.
After saving, select the Summary tab in Kaleo Forms, click the Submit New button, and select Ticket Process.
Now you can interact with the DDL and progress throughout the ticket process using Kaleo Forms. Remember to sign in as Joe Bloggs to access the tasks assigned to him. Joe Bloggs should also receive an email when the Project Management node is activated.
You successfully created a workflow definition and created a workflow process within Liferay Portal! You’re officially a workflow master (you can get your framed certification at the front desk on your way out–tell them we sent you)!
Have you noticed that there’s a lot of depth to Liferay IDE? You can easily come across difficult questions and run into very specific problems, but someone else might have already solved your issue or answered your question. So where would you go to find out? Don’t reinvent the wheel, visit the Liferay IDE Community page! On the Forums page, you can look up resolutions to specific errors and ask questions. Be sure to fully describe any problems you have to ensure you get a working answer. You can even track known issues from the Issue Tracker page.