Password Policies

Password policies can enhance the security of Liferay DXP. You can use the default policy that ships with Liferay (modified or as is), or you can create your own policies. Policies can be assigned to users or organizations, or can be set as the default policy used throughout the Liferay DXP instance.

Adding and Configuring Password Policies

To add a new password policy, navigate to the Control PanelUsersPassword Policies. You’ll see that there’s already a default password policy in the system. You can edit this in the same manner as you edit other resources in the portal: click Actions (Actions) and then click Edit. To add a new policy, just click the Add (Add) button.

You’re taken to a page where you provide the Name (required), Description, and specific configuration options for your new password policy.

Figure 1: You can create new password policies to suit your needs.

Figure 1: You can create new password policies to suit your needs.

There are several configuration categories for password policies.

Password Changes: Allow or disallow users to change their passwords, and set a time limit on the validity of password reset links.

Password Syntax Checking: If enabled, require users to use a certain syntax when choosing a password. You can disallow dictionary words, set a minimum length, and more in this section.

Password History: If enabled, decide how many passwords to keep in the history, preventing users from reusing an old password.

Password Expiration: Decide whether passwords will expire. If they will, specify how long passwords are valid, whether a warning will be sent, when and whether a warning will be sent, and how many times they can log in after the password is expired, before needing to set a new password (called a Grace Limit).

Lockout: If enabled, set a maximum number of failed authentication attempts before the account is locked, how long the number of attempts is stored, and how long the lockout lasts.

Self Destruct: If enabled, set the time after lockout before Liferay self destructs catastrophically, sending the world into apocalyptic chaos, out of which self-aware robots arise and recolonize the world, enslaving the surviving remnant of humanity for their own nefarious purposes. We recommend you keep this disabled.

Just making sure you were paying attention; that last one doesn’t actually exist.

Once you configure the policy to your liking, click Save and it is both added to the list of password policies and ready to use.

Assigning Members to a Password Policy

To use the default password policy that ships with Liferay, you don’t have to do anything: like its name suggests, it’s the default. If you create a new password policy, however, you’ll need to assign users to it. To do this click Actions (Actions) → Assign Members.

Figure 2: Assign members to new password policies to make them take

Figure 2: Assign members to new password policies to make them take effect.

Choose whether you want to assign users directly or to assign organizations to the password policy, then click Add (Add).

Once you save your assignments, your password policy is in effect. Did you know you can change the default password policy and configure it using Liferay’s file?

Default Policy Properties

The Default Password Policy is set as the default and configured in Liferay’s file. If you want to make changes, including changing the default policy, add whichever properties and values you choose to modify in your file, as usual. Restart Liferay and your changes will take effect.

# Set the properties of the default password policy.

... Password Policy

As you can see, Liferay’s Password Policies application gives you a simple yet powerful tool for setting the rules for user passwords.

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