Liferay is so configurable it can be hard to keep track of where all the configuration interfaces reside. Fortunately, the Control Panel is most often the place to look, and there’s a tidy Configruation section there that houses a lot of the higher level (for example, system and instance scoped) configuration options. This section considers the configuration options dealing with the System scope. What is the system scope? It’s the entire system, of course. That might sound self explanatory, and it is, for the most part. It just means that configuration at this level affects the entire system, which means all the Virtual Instances of Liferay in the system. If you’re not sure what a Virtual Instance is, read the section on Setting Up a Liferay Instance.
There are several configuration sections that take effect at the system scope:
System Settings
Server Administration
Custom Fields
Get started by learning about System Settings.