Configuring Your Permissions Scheme

Implementing Permissions
Step 1 of 4

Liferay DXP’s permissions framework is configured declaratively, like Service Builder. You define all your permissions in an XML file that by convention is called default.xml (but you could really call it whatever you want). Then you implement permissions checks in the following places in your code:

  • In the view layer, when showing links or buttons to protected functionality
  • In the actions, before performing a protected action
  • Later, in your service, before calling the local service

You should first define the permissions you want. To get started, think of your application’s use cases and how access to that functionality should be controlled:

  • The Add Guestbook button should be available only to administrators.

  • The Guestbook tabs should be filtered by permissions so administrators can control who can see them.

  • To prevent anonymous users from spamming the guestbook, the Add Entry button should be available only to site members.

  • Users should be able to set permissions on their own entries.

Now you’re ready to create the permissions configuration. Objects in your application (such as Guestbook and Entry) are defined as resources, and resource actions manage how users can interact with those resources. There are therefore two kinds of permissions: portlet permissions and resource (or model) permissions. Portlet permissions protect access to global functions, such as Add Entry. If users don’t have permission to access that global function, they’re missing a portlet permission. Resource permissions protect access to objects, such as Guestbook and Entry. A user may have permission to view one Entry, view and edit another Entry, and may not be able to access another Entry at all. This is due to a resource permission.

Figure 1: Portlet permissions and resource permissions cover different parts of the application.

Figure 1: Portlet permissions and resource permissions cover different parts of the application.

The first thing you must do is tell the framework where your permissions are defined. You’ll define resource and model permissions in the module where your model is defined:

  1. In guestbook-service’s src/main/resources folder, create a file called

  2. In this file, place the following property:


This property defines the name and location of your permissions definition file.

Next, create the permissions file:

  1. In the META-INF folder, create a subfolder called resource-actions.

  2. Create a new file in this folder called default.xml.

  3. Click the Source tab. Add the following DOCTYPE declaration to the top of the file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE resource-action-mapping PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Resource Action  
    Mapping 7.0.0//EN" "">
  4. Place the following wrapper tags into your default.xml file, below the DOCTYPE declaration:


    You’ll define your resource and model permissions inside these tags.

  5. Next, place the permissions for your package between the <resource-action-mapping> tags:


    This defines the baseline configuration for the Guestbook and Entry entities. The supported actions are ADD_GUESTBOOK, ADD_ENTRY, and VIEW. Site members can ADD_ENTRY by default, while guests can’t perform either add action (but they can view).

  6. Below that, but above the closing </resource-action-mapping>, place the Guestbook model permissions:


    This defines the Guestbook specific actions, including adding, deleting, updating, and viewing. By default, site members and guests can view guestbooks, but guests can’t update them.

  7. Below the Guestbook model permissions, but still above the closing </resource-action-mapping>, place the Entry model permissions:


    This defines Entry specific actions. By default, a site member can add or view an entry, and a guest can only view an entry.

  8. Save the file.

This defines permissions at the model level, but you must also define portlet permissions. These are managed in the guestbook-web module, which contains the portlet class. Follow these steps to add the portlet permissions in the guestbook-web module:

  1. In guestbook-web’s src/main/resources folder, create a file called

  2. In this file, place the following property:

  3. Create a subfolder called resource-actions in the src/main/resources/META-INF folder.

  4. Create a new file in this folder called default.xml.

  5. Add the following DOCTYPE declaration to the top of the file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE resource-action-mapping PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Resource Action  
    Mapping 7.0.0//EN" "">
  6. Below the DOCTYPE declaration, add the following resource-action-mapping tags:


    You’ll define your portlet permissions inside these tags.

  7. Insert this block of code inside the resource-action-mapping tags:


    This defines the default permissions for the Guestbook Admin portlet. It supports the actions ACCESS_IN_CONTROL_PANEL, CONFIGURATION, and VIEW. While anyone can view the app, guests and site members can’t configure it or access it in the Control Panel. Since it’s a Control Panel portlet, this effectively means that only administrators are able to access it.

  8. Below the Guestbook Admin permissions, insert this block of code:

            <guest-unsupported />

    This defines permissions for the Guestbook portlet. It supports the actions ADD_TO_PAGE, CONFIGURATION, and VIEW. Site members and guests get the VIEW permission by default.

  9. Save the file.

Great job! You’ve now successfully designed and implemented a permissions scheme for your application. Next, you’ll create the Java code to support permissions in the service layer.

« Using Resources and PermissionsPermissions in the Service Layer »
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