For your Android app to interact with the Guestbook portlet, you must install the following libraries in your Android project:
Liferay’s pre-built Mobile SDK: This Mobile SDK contains the classes that call Liferay DXP’s core remotes services. It also contains the framework necessary for any Mobile SDK to make server calls.
The Guestbook Mobile SDK: This Mobile SDK contains only the classes that call the Guestbook portlet’s remote services.
Liferay Screens: Screens contains the Screenlet framework and several built-in Screenlets like Login Screenlet. Because these built-in Screenlets interact with Liferay DXP’s core apps, they make their server calls with Liferay’s pre-built Mobile SDK. Note that all Screenlets, including those that make server calls with a custom-built Mobile SDK, must use the framework in Liferay’s pre-built Mobile SDK to issue their calls.
Since Liferay’s pre-built Mobile SDK is a dependency of Liferay Screens, installing Screens automatically installs this Mobile SDK. You must, however, install the Guestbook Mobile SDK manually.
This article walks you through the installation of the Guestbook Mobile SDK and Liferay Screens. When you finish, you’ll be ready to start developing the app.
Installing the Guestbook Mobile SDK
The Mobile SDK Builder generated two separate JAR files in your
The first JAR file is the Guestbook Mobile SDK. The second JAR file is a custom
built version of Liferay’s pre-built Mobile SDK. Because Screens includes the
pre-built Mobile SDK, you don’t need to install the second JAR file. You must,
however, install the first JAR file. To do so, copy
into your app’s app/libs
folder (the default
location for your Android app is
). That’s it! Next, you’ll install
Liferay Screens.
Installing Liferay Screens
To install Liferay Screens, you must edit your app’s build.gradle
file. Note
that your project has two build.gradle
files: one for the project, and another
for the app module. You can find them under Gradle Scripts in your Android
Studio project. This screenshot highlights the app module’s build.gradle
Figure 1: The app module's `build.gradle` file.
In the app module’s build.gradle
file, add the following lines of code inside
the dependencies
compile ''
compile ''
This adds the liferay-screens
and liferay-material-viewset
Although only the liferay-screens
dependency is necessary to install Screens,
adding other View Sets, like the Material View Set, gives you flexibility when
designing your app’s look and feel.
Click here
for more information on Views in Liferay Screens.
Once you edit build.gradle
, a message appears at the top of the file that asks
you to sync your app with its Gradle files. Syncing with the Gradle files is
required to incorporate any changes you make to them. Syncing also downloads and
installs any new dependencies, like those you just added. Sync the Gradle files
now by clicking the Sync Now link in the message.
Note that after syncing, your build.gradle
may show an error similar to this:
All libraries must use the exact same version specification...
If this occurs, you must manually add the correct version of the
dependencies. For example, the app in this Learning Path
currently uses version 25.3.1
of the
libraries. This
requires that you manually add the following dependencies to the app’s
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
After adding these inside the dependencies
element, click Sync Now again.
The error message should be gone once the sync completes.
Figure 2: After editing the app module's `build.gradle` file, click *Sync Now* to incorporate the changes in your app.
Great! Now you’re ready to test your Screens and Mobile SDK installations.
Verifying the Installations
To check your Screens and Mobile SDK installations, first open your project’s
class in Android Studio. It’s in the java
package. Then add the following imports to
this file:
If Android Studio recognizes these imports, then you’re good to go! Remove them once you’ve verified that they’re valid. Next, there’s one final small but important task to complete: point your app at the correct Liferay DXP instance.
Configuring Communication with Liferay DXP
For Screens to work properly with your app, you must point it to your Liferay DXP
instance. You do this by adding a server_context.xml
file in your project’s
directory. Create this file and add the following code to it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Change these values for your portal instance -->
<string name="liferay_server"></string>
<integer name="liferay_company_id">20116</integer>
<integer name="liferay_group_id">20147</integer>
<integer name="liferay_portal_version">70</integer>
As the comment indicates, change the values to match those of your Liferay DXP
instance. The server address
is suitable for testing
with Android Studio’s emulator, because it corresponds to localhost:8080
through the emulator. The Liferay DXP instance you set up earlier should be
running on localhost:8080
The liferay_company_id
value is your Liferay DXP instance’s ID. You can find it
in your Liferay DXP instance at Control Panel → Configuration →
Virtual Instances. The instance’s ID is in the Instance ID column. Copy and
paste this value into the liferay_company_id
value in server_context.xml
The liferay_group_id
value is the ID of the site your app needs to communicate
with. Since the app needs to communicate with the Guestbook portlet, navigate to
the site you put the Guestbook portlet on. In the Site Administration menu,
select Configuration → Site Settings. The site ID is listed at the top
of the General tab. Copy and paste this value from your portal to the
value in server_context.xml
Awesome! Next, you’ll learn the app’s basic design.