Creating an MVC Portlet

You’re convinced that Liferay’s MVC Framework is right for you, and you want to learn how to configure it.

You’ll need:

  • A module that publishes a portlet component with the necessary properties.
  • Controller code to handle the request and response.
  • JSPs to implement your view layer.

Along the way you’ll want to know how to call services from your controller and how to pass information from the view layer to the controller.

Keep in mind that you can take two paths with your Liferay MVC portlet implementation. If you have a small application that won’t be heavy on controller logic (maybe just a couple of action methods), you can put all your controller code in the -Portlet class. If you have more complex needs (lots of actions, complex render logic to implement, or maybe even some resource serving code), consider breaking the controller into MVC Action Command classes, MVC Render Command classes, and MVC Resource Command classes.

In this tutorial you’ll learn to implement a Liferay MVC portlet with all the controller code in the -Portlet class.

Configuring a WEB Module

As a naming convention, the module with your controller code and view layer is referred to as the WEB module. A very basic WEB module might look like this:


Of course you’re not tied to the use of Gradle or BndTools to build your project. However, you do need a JAR with the proper OSGi headers defined, which is easily done if you provide a bnd.bnd file. To see Liferay MVC portlets built with Maven and Gradle, you can check out the tutorial on Liferay Sample Projects.

Specifying OSGi Metadata

At a minimum, you should specify the bundle symbolic name and the bundle version for the OSGi runtime. Providing a human readable bundle name is also recommended.

Bundle-Name: Example Liferay MVC Web
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0

If you don’t specify a Bundle-SymbolicName, one will be generated from the project’s directory path, which is suitable for many cases. If you specify the bundle symbolic name yourself, it’s a nice convention to use the root package name as the bundle symbolic name.

Creating a Portlet Component

Using the OSGi Declarative Services component model makes it easy to publish service implementations to the OSGi runtime. In this case an implementation of the javax.portlet.Portlet service must be published. Declare this using an @Component annotation in the portlet class:

    immediate = true,
    service = Portlet.class
public class LiferayMVCPortlet extends MVCPortlet {

Since Liferay’s MVCPortlet class is itself an extension of javax.portlet.Portlet, you’ve provided the right implementation. That’s good in itself, but the component needs to be fleshed out with some properties:

    immediate = true,
    property = {
        "javax.portlet.display-name=Liferay MVC Portlet",
    service = Portlet.class
public class LiferayMVCPortlet extends MVCPortlet {

Some of those properties might look familiar to you if you’ve developed Liferay MVC portlets before Liferay DXP 7.0. That’s because they correspond with the XML attributes you used to specify in liferay-portlet.xml, liferay-display.xml, and portlet.xml. To find a list of all the Liferay-specific attributes you can specify as properties in your portlet components, check out the liferay-portlet-app_7_0_0.dtd. This is still maintained as a DTD to keep compatibility with the JSR-168 and JSR-286 portlet specs.

Consider the <instanceable> element from the above link as an example. To specify that property in your component, use this syntax in your property list:


The properties namespaced with javax.portlet.... are elements of the portlet.xml descriptor.

Also note that it is possible to create nested categories using the com.liferay.portlet.display-category property. The format for creating these categories is to write out the category path starting with the root and separating each category in descending order by the use of //. Here’s an example:


Liferay’s DTD files can be found here.

You can publish this portlet component, but it doesn’t do anything yet. You’ll implement the Controller code next.

Writing Controller Code

In MVC, your controller receives requests from the front end, and it receives data from the back end. It’s responsible for sending that data to the right front end view so it can be displayed to the user, and it’s responsible for taking data the user entered in the front end and passing it to the right back end service. For this reason, it needs a way to process requests from the front end and respond to them appropriately, and it needs a way to determine the appropriate front end view to pass data back to the user.

For data coming from the user to the back end, Liferay’s MVC portlet framework offers you two ways to do this. One of these is designed for smaller applications, and the other is designed for larger applications. First, you’ll learn about processing requests in smaller applications. After that, you’ll learn about how data is rendered from the back end to the user. For processing requests in larger applications, see the tutorials MVC Action Command, MVC Render Command, and MVC Resource Command. But read these after you finish this one, so you can understand how the whole framework works.

Action Methods

If you have a small application, you can implement all your controller code in your portlet class (the same one you annotated with @Component), which acts as your controller by itself. For processing requests, you use action methods. Here’s what an action method might look like:

public void addGuestbook(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
        throws PortalException, SystemException {

    ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(
        Guestbook.class.getName(), request);

    String name = ParamUtil.getString(request, "name");

    try {
                name, serviceContext);

        SessionMessages.add(request, "guestbookAdded");

    } catch (Exception e) {
        SessionErrors.add(request, e.getClass().getName());



In this action method, the javax.portlet.ActionRequest object is used to retrieve two pieces of information that are needed to call the addGuestbook service, which is the point of the method. If successful, the SessionMessages object is used to store a success message. If an exception is thrown, it’s caught, and the appropriate SessionErrors object is used to store the exception message. Note the call to the setRenderParameter method on the ActionResponse. This is used to render the edit_guestbook.jsp if a guestbook could not be added, by setting the mvcPath parameter. This parameter is a convention in Liferay’s MVCPortlet framework that denotes the next view that should be displayed to the user.

Render Logic

So what might a render method look like? First, note that implementing render logic might not be necessary at all. Note the init-param properties you set in your Component:


With these, you’re directing the default rendering to your view.jsp. The template-path property tells the MVC framework where your JSP files live. In the above example, / means that the JSP files are located in your project’s root resources folder. That’s why it’s important to follow Liferay’s standard folder structure, outlined above. Here’s the path of a hypothetical Web module’s resource folder:


In this case, the view.jsp file is found at


and that’s the default view of the application. When the init method is called, the initialization parameters you specify are read and used to direct rendering to the default JSP. Throughout the controller, you can render a different view (JSP file) by setting the render parameter mvcPath, like this:

actionResponse.setRenderParameter("mvcPath", "/error.jsp");

In some cases, the uses of initialization parameters and render parameters obviates the need for additional render logic. However, it’s often necessary to provide additional render logic. To do this, override the render method. Here’s an example:

public void render(RenderRequest renderRequest,
        RenderResponse renderResponse) throws PortletException, IOException {

    try {
        ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(
                Guestbook.class.getName(), renderRequest);

        long groupId = serviceContext.getScopeGroupId();

        long guestbookId = ParamUtil.getLong(renderRequest, "guestbookId");

        List<Guestbook> guestbooks = _guestbookService

        if (guestbooks.size() == 0) {
            Guestbook guestbook = _guestbookService.addGuestbook(
                    serviceContext.getUserId(), "Main", serviceContext);

            guestbookId = guestbook.getGuestbookId();


        if (!(guestbookId > 0)) {
            guestbookId = guestbooks.get(0).getGuestbookId();

        renderRequest.setAttribute("guestbookId", guestbookId);

    } catch (Exception e) {

        throw new PortletException(e);

    super.render(renderRequest, renderResponse);


With render logic, you’re providing the view layer with information to display the data properly to the user. In this case, there’s some information needed at the outset, and then there’s some logic in the if statements that determine if there are any Guestbooks that can be displayed. If not, a Guestbook should be created by default. If there are Guestbooks in the database, the ID that’s first in the list retrieved via the getGuestbooks method should be displayed. This is accomplished by passing the appropriate ID to the RenderRequest using the setAttirbute method. Since this logic should be executed before the default render method, the method concludes by calling super.render.

Setting and Retrieving Request Parameters and Attributes

In the portlet class’s render method action methods, and even in your JSPs, you can use a handy utility class called ParamUtil to retrieve parameters from an ActionRequest or a RenderRequest.

long guestbookId = ParamUtil.getLong(renderRequest, "guestbookId");

In the above example, the parameter was set into an action request in a JSP:

<portlet:param name="guestbookId" 
        value="<%= String.valueOf(entry.getGuestbookId()) %>" />

You can also set attributes into the request using the method


in your portlet class. To read the attribute in a JSP, use the method


To set parameters into the response in your controller code, you can use the setRenderParameter method.

actionResponse.setRenderParameter("mvcPath", "/error.jsp");

Passing information back and forth from your view and controller is important, but there’s more to the view layer than that.

Configuring the View Layer

You now know how to extend Liferay’s MVCPortlet to write controller code and register a Component in the OSGi runtime. You also need a view layer, of course, and for that, you’ll use JSPs. Lexicon can be used to guide your app’s styling so it matches Liferay’s. To learn about Lexicon and about some of Liferay’s taglibs, refer to the tutorial Applying Lexicon Styles to Your App. This section will briefly cover how to get your view layer working, from organizing your imports in one JSP file, to configuring URLs that direct processing to your code in the portlet class.

It’s a good practice to put all your Java imports, tag library declarations, and variable initializations into an init.jsp file. If you use Liferay Developer Studio to create your Web module, these taglib declarations and initializations are automatically added to your init.jsp:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-portlet" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-theme" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui" %>

<liferay-theme:defineObjects />

<portlet:defineObjects />

Make sure you include the init.jsp in your other JSP files:

<%@include file="/html/init.jsp"%>

You can, if necessary, write Java code in your JSPs using scriptlets. Perhaps you set an attribute into the request in your controller:

renderRequest.setAttribute("guestbookId", guestbookId);

You can reference it in your JSP by calling the renderRequest.getAttribute method:

    long guestbookId = Long.valueOf((Long) renderRequest

To construct a URL that calls the render method of your controller, you can use the portlet:renderURL tag:

<portlet:renderURL var="searchURL">
		<portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/admin/view.jsp" />

You create a variable to hold the generated URL with the var attribute. Then you can set any parameters you need using the portlet:param tag. The mvcPath parameter is used to direct to another JSP. The example above points to a JSP in


You can then use the var value to invoke the URL in your JSP code, perhaps in a button or navigation bar item.

Action URLs can be similarly created with the portlet taglib:

<portlet:actionURL name="doSomething" var="doSomethingURL">
    <portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= redirect %>" />

The name of the action URL should match the action method name in your portlet class; that’s all Liferay’s MVC framework needs in order to know that the action method of the same name should run when this action URL is invoked. Use the var attribute like you did the var attribute in the render URL; to call the action URL in your JSP code, whether it’s in an icon, a button, or somewhere else.

As you can see, with Liferay MVC it’s pretty easy to make your controller talk to your view layer.

Beyond the Basics

This tutorial should get you up and running with a Liferay MVC Web module, but there’s more to know about creating an app in Liferay. Here are a few useful jumping off points:

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