Using Screenlets in Android Apps

You can start using Screenlets once you’ve prepared your project to use Liferay Screens. There are plenty of Liferay Screenlets available and they’re described in the Screenlet reference documentation. It is very straightforward to use Screenlets. This tutorial shows you how to insert Screenlets into your android app and configure them. You’ll be a Screenlet master in no time!

First, in Android Studio’s visual layout editor or your favorite editor, open your app’s layout XML file and insert the Screenlet in your activity or fragment layout. The following screenshot, for example, shows the Login Screenlet inserted in an activity’s FrameLayout.

Figure 1: Heres the Login Screenlet in an activitys layout in Android Studio.

Figure 1: Here's the Login Screenlet in an activity's layout in Android Studio.

Next, set the Screenlet’s attributes. If it’s a Liferay Screenlet, refer to the Screenlet reference documentation to learn the Screenlet’s required and supported attributes. This screenshot shows the attributes of the Login Screenlet being set:

Figure 2: You can set a Screenlets attributes via the apps layout XML file.

Figure 2: You can set a Screenlet's attributes via the app's layout XML file.

To configure your app to listen for events the Screenlet triggers, implement the Screenlet’s listener interface in your activity or fragment class. Refer to the Screenlet’s documentation to learn its listener interface. Then register your activity or fragment as the Screenlet’s listener. The activity class, for example, in the screenshot below, declares that it implements the Login Screenlet’s LoginListener interface, and it registers itself to listen for the Screenlet’s events.

Figure 3: Implement the Screenlets listener in your activity or fragment class.

Figure 3: Implement the Screenlet's listener in your activity or fragment class.

Make sure to implement all methods required by the Screenlet’s listener interface. For Liferay’s Screenlets, the listener methods are listed in each Screenlet’s reference documentation. That’s all there is to it! Awesome! Now you know how to use Screenlets in your Android apps.

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